UE2:UnrealEd Tip of the Day
From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
These tips were taken directly from UnrealEd's 3.0 (Unreal II build) Tip of the Day initialization files. They all start with the words "Did you know?".
- You can add brushes with CTRL+A and subtract them with CTRL+S?
- If you right click the "Add Mover" button you can select from a menu of mover types?
- If you right click the "Add Volume" button you can select from a menu of volume types?
- If you right click the toolbar at the top of a viewport, a menu will appear allowing you to control the appearance of that viewport?
- You can toggle the drawing of static meshes with the "W" key?
- You can toggle the drawing of actors with the "H" key?
- You can toggle the drawing of the builder brush with the "B" key?
- You should wear pants while building levels?
- You shouldn't make Shaders that reference themselves?