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UE2:UnrealEd viewport

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Revision as of 18:09, 12 June 2010 by Eliot (Talk | contribs) (Toolbar, realtime)

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The viewport is a floating/docked window that renders the current world, there are four kind of viewports Top, Front, Side and Perspective, which all have a toolbar with options of how to render the world.



When enabled the viewport will update all actors like in-game e.g. Emitters, Sounds, Fog, Animations will all be updated every tick.


View the current world for this viewport from a top view.
View the current world for this viewport from a front view.
View the current world for this viewport from a side view.
View the current world for this viewport from a 3D camera.


Render the current world for this viewport in wires.
Render the current world for this viewport with no lights, all textures are rendered with the brightness of the texture itself.
Render the current world for this viewport with lights.


The unreal editor provides many shortcuts to complete tasks faster. Here's a list of Mouse and Keyboard shortcuts related to the viewport.


Shortcuts that require input from a mouse.

+- A
|  \- LeftButton
|     \- Release - Add actor here
+- L
|  \- LeftButton
|     \- Release - Add light here
+- LeftButton
|  +- Hold - Rotate camera left/right, move camera forward/backward
|  +- Release - Select actor/surface
|  \- RightButton
|     \- Hold - Move camera left/right, move camera up/down
+- MiddleButton
|  \- Hold - Draw a meter measure line
+- RightButton
|  +- Hold - Rotate camera left/right, rotate camera up/down
|  \- Release - Open context menu
+- Ctrl
|  +- LeftButton
|  |  +- Hold - Move all selected surfaces left/right, Move all selected actors in direction X
|  |  \- RightButton
|  |     \- Hold - Move all selected actors in direction up/down, Scale all selected surfaces(forward to scale up, backward to scale down)
|  +- RightButton
|  |  \- Hold - Move all selected surfaces up/down, Move all selected actors in direction Y
|  \- Alt
|     \- Hold - Make a square selection
\- Alt
   +- LeftButton
   |  \- Release - Apply texture to selected surface
   \- RightButton
      +- Release - Copy texture from selected surface
      \- Hold - Move camera roll


Shortcuts that require input from a keyboard.

+- F4 - Show the Object Properties window
+- F5 - Show the Surface Properties window
+- F6 - Show the Level Properties window
+- F7 - Recompile scripts
+- F8 - Show the Build Options window
+- Delete - Delete all selected actors
+- P - Toggle realtime preview
+- Visibility
|  +- B - Show/Hide active Brush
|  +- E - Show/Hide event lines
|  +- F - Show/Hide Fog
|  +- K - Show/Hide backdrop
|  +- O - Show/Hide Volumes
|  +- S - Show/Hide selection highlight
|  +- T - Show/Hide Terrain
|  \- W - Show/Hide StaticMeshes
+- Shift
|  +- Surface
|  |  +- B - Select all surfaces from current selected brush
|  |  +- C - Select all adjacent coplanar surfaces
|  |  +- D - Deselect all surfaces
|  |  +- F - Select all adjacent floor surfaces
|  |  +- G - Select all surfaces matching the current selected surface group
|  |  +- I - Select all surfaces matching the current selected surface items
|  |  +- J - Select all adjacent surfaces
|  |  +- M - Memorize all selected surfaces
|  |  +- N - Deselect all surfaces
|  |  +- O - Add all memorized surfaces to selection
|  |  +- Q - Reverse:Select all unselected surfaces and deselect all selected surfaces
|  |  +- R - Deselect all and select all memorized surfaces
|  |  +- S - Select all adjacent slants
|  |  +- T - Select all surfaces matching the current selected surface texture
|  |  +- U - Deselect all surfaces that are not memorized and select all memorized surfaces
|  |  +- W - Select all adjacent wall surfaces
|  |  +- X - Deselect all memorized selected surfaces and select all memorized surfaces that were not selected
|  |  \- Z - Select nothing (Broken?)
|  \- Actor
|     +- A - Select all actors
|     \- D - Duplicate all actors
\- Ctrl
   +- A - Executes the Add toolbar button
   +- B - Open brush (Broken?)
   +- C - Copies all selected actors/text
   +- D - Executes the deintersect toolbar button
   +- E - Save map as
   +- L - Save map
   +- O - Load map
   +- P - Play map
   +- I - Executes the Intersect toolbar button
   +- S - Executes the Subtract toolbar button
   +- V - Paste the data from clipboard
   +- W - Duplicate all selected actors
   +- X - Cut all selected actors/text
   +- Y - Redo last action
   \- Z - Undo last action