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UE3:FontImportOptions (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> FontImportOptions
This class in other games:

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc.


Property group 'FontImportOptions'[edit]


Type: FontImportOptionsData

The actual data for this object. We wrap it in a struct so that we can copy it around between objects.

Default value:

Member Value
bEnableAntialiasing True
FontName "Arial"
Member Value
A 1.0
B 1.0
G 1.0
R 1.0
Height 16.0
TexturePageMaxHeight 256
TexturePageWidth 256
XPadding 1
YPadding 1



Font character set type for importing TrueType fonts




Modifiers: native

Font import options

string FontName 
Name of the typeface for the font to import
float Height 
Height of font (point size)
bool bEnableAntialiasing 
Whether the font should be antialiased or not. Usually you should leave this enabled.
bool bEnableBold 
Whether the font should be generated in bold or not
bool bEnableItalic 
Whether the font should be generated in italics or not
bool bEnableUnderline 
Whether the font should be generated with an underline or not
EFontImportCharacterSet CharacterSet 
Character set for this font
string Chars 
Explicit list of characters to include in the font
string UnicodeRange 
Range of Unicode character values to include in the font. You can specify ranges using hyphens and/or commas (e.g. '400-900')
string CharsFilePath 
Path on disk to a folder where files that contain a list of characters to include in the font
string CharsFileWildcard 
File mask wildcard that specifies which files within the CharsFilePath to scan for characters in include in the font
bool bCreatePrintableOnly 
Skips generation of glyphs for any characters that are not considered 'printable'
Object.LinearColor ForegroundColor 
Color of the foreground font pixels. Usually you should leave this white and instead use the UI Styles editor to change the color of the font on the fly
bool bEnableDropShadow 
Enables a very simple, 1-pixel, black colored drop shadow for the generated font
int TexturePageWidth 
Horizontal size of each texture page for this font in pixels
int TexturePageMaxHeight 
The maximum vertical size of a texture page for this font in pixels. The actual height of a texture page may be less than this if the font can fit within a smaller sized texture page.
int XPadding 
Horizontal padding between each font character on the texture page in pixels
int YPadding 
Vertical padding between each font character on the texture page in pixels
int ExtendBoxTop 
How much to extend the top of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels
int ExtendBoxBottom 
How much to extend the bottom of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels
int ExtendBoxRight 
How much to extend the right of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels
int ExtendBoxLeft 
How much to extend the left of the UV coordinate rectangle for each character in pixels
bool bEnableLegacyMode 
Enables legacy font import mode. This results in lower quality antialiasing and larger glyph bounds, but may be useful when debugging problems
int Kerning 
The initial horizontal spacing adjustment between rendered characters. This setting will be copied directly into the generated Font object's properties.

Default values:

Property Value
bEnableAntialiasing False
CharacterSet FontICS_Default
FontName "Arial"
Member Value
A 1.0
B 1.0
G 1.0
R 1.0
Height 16.0
TexturePageMaxHeight 256
TexturePageWidth 256
XPadding 1
YPadding 1