UE3:GameTypes (UDK): Difference between revisions

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m 1 revision: class descriptions for UDK January update (part 2)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 5: Line 5:
'''Value:''' "LoadingMovie"
the name of the movie to show while loading

Line 13: Line 19:

See {{cl|GameTypes structs}}.
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
DEPRECATED.  Defines a camera-animation-driven screenshake.
; {{cl|CameraAnim}} Anim : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[bool]] bUseDirectionalAnimVariants : If TRUE, code will choose which anim to play based on relative location to the player.  Anim is treated as "front" in this case.
; {{cl|CameraAnim}} Anim_Left : <!-- enter variable description -->
; {{cl|CameraAnim}} Anim_Right : <!-- enter variable description -->
; {{cl|CameraAnim}} Anim_Rear : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[float]] AnimPlayRate : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[float]] AnimScale : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[float]] AnimBlendInTime : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[float]] AnimBlendOutTime : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[bool]] bRandomSegment : If TRUE, play a random snippet of the animation of length RandomSegmentDuration.  Implies bLoop and bRandomStartTime = TRUE.
If FALSE, play the full anim once, non-looped.
; [[float]] RandomSegmentDuration : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[bool]] bSingleInstance : TRUE to only allow a single instance of the specified anim to play at any given time.
'''Default values:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! Property
! Value
| AnimBlendInTime
| 0.2
| AnimBlendOutTime
| 0.2
| AnimPlayRate
| 1.0
| AnimScale
| 1.0
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
DEPRECATED.  Defines a code-driven (sinusoidal) screenshake
; [[float]] TimeToGo : Time in seconds to go until current screen shake is finished
; [[float]] TimeDuration : Duration in seconds of current screen shake
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} RotAmplitude : view rotation amplitude
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} RotFrequency : view rotation frequency
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} RotSinOffset : view rotation Sine offset
; {{tl|ShakeParams}} RotParam : rotation parameters
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} LocAmplitude : view offset amplitude
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} LocFrequency : view offset frequency
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} LocSinOffset : view offset Sine offset
; {{tl|ShakeParams}} LocParam : location parameters
; [[float]] FOVAmplitude : FOV amplitude
; [[float]] FOVFrequency : FOV frequency
; [[float]] FOVSinOffset : FOV Sine offset
; {{tl|EShakeParam}} FOVParam : FOV parameters
; [[name]] ShakeName : Unique name for this shake.  Only 1 instance of a shake with a particular
name can be playing at once.  Subsequent calls to add the shake will simply
restart the existing shake with new parameters.  This is useful for animating
shake parameters.
; [[bool]] bOverrideTargetingDampening : True to use TargetingDampening multiplier while player is targeted, False to use global defaults (see TargetingAlpha).
; [[float]] TargetingDampening : Amplitude multiplier to apply while player is targeting.  Ignored if bOverrideTargetingDampening == FALSE
'''Default values:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! Property
! Value
| FOVAmplitude
| 2.0
| FOVFrequency
| 5.0
| LocAmplitude
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 0.0
| Y
| 3.0
| Z
| 5.0
| LocFrequency
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 1.0
| Y
| 10.0
| Z
| 20.0
| RotAmplitude
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 100.0
| Y
| 100.0
| Z
| 200.0
| RotFrequency
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 10.0
| Y
| 10.0
| Z
| 25.0
| ShakeName
| ''
| TimeDuration
| 1.0
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
DEPRECATED.  Shake vector params
; {{tl|EShakeParam}} X : <!-- enter variable description -->
; {{tl|EShakeParam}} Y : <!-- enter variable description -->
; {{tl|EShakeParam}} Z : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[byte]] Padding : <!-- enter variable description -->
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
replicated information on a hit we've taken
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} HitLocation : the location of the hit
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} Momentum : how much momentum was imparted
; [[class]]<{{cl|DamageType}}> DamageType : the damage type we were hit with
; {{cl|Pawn}} InstigatedBy : the weapon that shot us
; [[byte]] HitBoneIndex : the bone that was hit on our Mesh (if any)
; {{cl|PhysicalMaterial}} PhysicalMaterial : the physical material that was hit on our Mesh (if any)
; [[float]] Damage : how much damage was delivered
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} RadialDamageOrigin : For radial damage, this is the point of origin. If damage was not radial, will be the same as HitLocation.

Latest revision as of 05:39, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> GameTypes
This class in other games:




Value: "LoadingMovie"

the name of the movie to show while loading



DEPRECATED. Shake start offset parameter

Start with random offset (default)
Start with zero offset


See GameTypes structs.