UE3:GameTypes (UDK)

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UDK Object >> GameTypes
This class in other games:




DEPRECATED. Shake start offset parameter

Start with random offset (default)
Start with zero offset



Modifiers: native

DEPRECATED. Defines a camera-animation-driven screenshake.

CameraAnim Anim
bool bUseDirectionalAnimVariants
If TRUE, code will choose which anim to play based on relative location to the player. Anim is treated as "front" in this case.
CameraAnim Anim_Left
CameraAnim Anim_Right
CameraAnim Anim_Rear
float AnimPlayRate
float AnimScale
float AnimBlendInTime
float AnimBlendOutTime
bool bRandomSegment
If TRUE, play a random snippet of the animation of length RandomSegmentDuration. Implies bLoop and bRandomStartTime = TRUE.

If FALSE, play the full anim once, non-looped.

float RandomSegmentDuration
bool bSingleInstance
TRUE to only allow a single instance of the specified anim to play at any given time.

Default values:

Property Value
AnimBlendInTime 0.2
AnimBlendOutTime 0.2
AnimPlayRate 1.0
AnimScale 1.0


Modifiers: native

DEPRECATED. Defines a code-driven (sinusoidal) screenshake

float TimeToGo
Time in seconds to go until current screen shake is finished
float TimeDuration
Duration in seconds of current screen shake
Object.Vector RotAmplitude
view rotation amplitude
Object.Vector RotFrequency
view rotation frequency
Object.Vector RotSinOffset
view rotation Sine offset
ShakeParams RotParam
rotation parameters
Object.Vector LocAmplitude
view offset amplitude
Object.Vector LocFrequency
view offset frequency
Object.Vector LocSinOffset
view offset Sine offset
ShakeParams LocParam
location parameters
float FOVAmplitude
FOV amplitude
float FOVFrequency
FOV frequency
float FOVSinOffset
FOV Sine offset
EShakeParam FOVParam
FOV parameters
name ShakeName
Unique name for this shake. Only 1 instance of a shake with a particular

name can be playing at once. Subsequent calls to add the shake will simply restart the existing shake with new parameters. This is useful for animating shake parameters.

bool bOverrideTargetingDampening
True to use TargetingDampening multiplier while player is targeted, False to use global defaults (see TargetingAlpha).
float TargetingDampening
Amplitude multiplier to apply while player is targeting. Ignored if bOverrideTargetingDampening == FALSE

Default values:

Property Value
FOVAmplitude 2.0
FOVFrequency 5.0
Member Value
X 0.0
Y 3.0
Z 5.0
Member Value
X 1.0
Y 10.0
Z 20.0
Member Value
X 100.0
Y 100.0
Z 200.0
Member Value
X 10.0
Y 10.0
Z 25.0
TimeDuration 1.0


Modifiers: native

DEPRECATED. Shake vector params

EShakeParam X
EShakeParam Y
EShakeParam Z
byte Padding


Modifiers: native

replicated information on a hit we've taken

Object.Vector HitLocation
the location of the hit
Object.Vector Momentum
how much momentum was imparted
class<DamageType> DamageType
the damage type we were hit with
Pawn InstigatedBy
the weapon that shot us
byte HitBoneIndex
the bone that was hit on our Mesh (if any)
PhysicalMaterial PhysicalMaterial
the physical material that was hit on our Mesh (if any)
float Damage
how much damage was delivered
Object.Vector RadialDamageOrigin
For radial damage, this is the point of origin. If damage was not radial, will be the same as HitLocation.