UE3:ParticleModuleKillBox (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> ParticleModule >> ParticleModuleKillBase >> ParticleModuleKillBox
This class in other games:

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Property group 'Kill'


Type: bool

If TRUE, the box coordinates is in world space


Type: bool

If TRUE, particles INSIDE the box will be killed. If FALSE (the default), particles OUTSIDE the box will be killed.


Type: DistributionVector.RawDistributionVector

The lower left corner of the box

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionLowerLeftCorner
  1. 0.0
  2. 0.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 0.0
  5. 0.0
  6. 0.0
  7. 0.0
  8. 0.0
LookupTableChunkSize 3
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1


Type: DistributionVector.RawDistributionVector

The upper right corner of the box

Default value:

Member Value
Distribution DistributionUpperRightCorner
  1. 0.0
  2. 0.0
  3. 0.0
  4. 0.0
  5. 0.0
  6. 0.0
  7. 0.0
  8. 0.0
LookupTableChunkSize 3
LookupTableNumElements 1
Op 1

Default values

Property Value
bSupported3DDrawMode True
bUpdateModule True