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UE3:WorldInfo structs (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Actor >> Info >> ZoneInfo >> WorldInfo (structs)

;Other member categories for this class::internal variables, native functions



Modifiers: native

For specifying which compartments should run on a given frame

bool RigidBody 
The rigid body compartment will run on this frame
bool Fluid 
The fluid compartment will run on this frame
bool Cloth 
The cloth compartment will run on this frame
bool SoftBody 
The soft body compartment will run on this frame

Default values:

Property Value
Cloth True
Fluid True
RigidBody True
SoftBody True


Modifiers: native

float StaticLightingLevelScale 
Scale of the level relative to Gears of War 2 levels.

All scale-dependent Lightmass setting defaults have been tweaked to work well in Gears 2 levels, Any levels with a different scale should use this scale to compensate.

int NumIndirectLightingBounces 
Number of times light is allowed to bounce off of surfaces, starting from the light source.

0 is direct lighting only, 1 is one bounce, etc. Bounce 1 takes the most time to calculate and contributes the most to visual quality, followed by bounce 2. Successive bounces are nearly free, but have a much lower impact.

Object.Color EnvironmentColor 
Color that rays which miss the scene will pick up.

This is effectively a light surrounding the entire level that is shadowed, but doesn't emit indirect lighting.

float EnvironmentIntensity 
Scales EnvironmentColor to allow independent color and brightness controls.
float EmissiveBoost 
Scales the emissive contribution of all materials in the scene.
float DiffuseBoost 
Scales the diffuse contribution of all materials in the scene.
float SpecularBoost 
Scales the specular contribution of all materials in the scene.
float IndirectNormalInfluenceBoost 
Lerp factor that controls the influence of normal maps with directional lightmaps on indirect lighting.

A value of 0 gives a physically correct distribution of light, which may result in little normal influence in areas only lit by indirect lighting, but less lightmap compression artifacts. A value of .8 results in 80% of the lighting being redistributed in the dominant incident lighting direction, which effectively increases the per-pixel normal's influence, But causes more severe lightmap compression artifacts.

bool bUseAmbientOcclusion 
If TRUE, AmbientOcclusion will be enabled.
float DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction 
How much of the AO to apply to direct lighting.
float IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction 
How much of the AO to apply to indirect lighting.
float OcclusionExponent 
Higher exponents increase contrast.
float FullyOccludedSamplesFraction 
Fraction of samples taken that must be occluded in order to reach full occlusion.
float MaxOcclusionDistance 
Maximum distance for an object to cause occlusion on another object.
bool bVisualizeMaterialDiffuse 
If TRUE, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the exported diffuse term.
bool bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion 
If TRUE, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the AO term.

Default values:

Property Value
bUseAmbientOcclusion False
bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion False
bVisualizeMaterialDiffuse False
DiffuseBoost 5.0
DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction 0.5
EmissiveBoost 1.0
Member Value
B 0
G 0
R 0
EnvironmentIntensity 1.0
FullyOccludedSamplesFraction 1.0
IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction 1.0
IndirectNormalInfluenceBoost 0.3
MaxOcclusionDistance 200.0
NumIndirectLightingBounces 3
OcclusionExponent 1.0
SpecularBoost 1.0
StaticLightingLevelScale 1.0


Modifiers: native

int ListIdx 
NavMeshPathConstraint List[5] (MAX_INSTANCES_PER_CLASS) 


Modifiers: native

Path Goal evaluator pool

int ListIdx 
NavMeshPathGoalEvaluator List[5] (MAX_INSTANCES_PER_CLASS) 


Modifiers: native

stores information on a viewer that actors need to be checked against for relevancy

PlayerController InViewer 
Actor Viewer 
Object.Vector ViewLocation 
Object.Vector ViewDir 


Modifiers: native

Parameters for emitter vertical

bool bDisableLod 
int ParticlesLodMin 
Min value for particle LOD range.
int ParticlesLodMax 
Max value for particle LOD range.
int PacketsPerPhysXParticleSystemMax 
Limit for packets per PhysXParticleSystem. Caped to 900.
bool bApplyCylindricalPacketCulling 
Selects either cylindrical or spherical packet range culling.
float SpawnLodVsFifoBias 
Parameter for scaling spawn lod impact. 1.0: As much as possible lod through

emitter spawn rate/lifetime control. 0.0: Lod constraint handled only through fifo control.

Default values:

Property Value
bApplyCylindricalPacketCulling True
bDisableLod False
PacketsPerPhysXParticleSystemMax 500
ParticlesLodMax 15000
ParticlesLodMin 0
SpawnLodVsFifoBias 1.0


Modifiers: native

Timings for primary and compartments.

PhysXSimulationProperties PrimaryScene 
Timing settings for the PhysX primary scene
PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentRigidBody 
Timing settings for the PhysX rigid body compartment
PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentFluid 
Timing settings for the PhysX fluid compartment
PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentCloth 
Timing settings for the PhysX cloth compartment
PhysXSimulationProperties CompartmentSoftBody 
Timing settings for the PhysX soft body compartment

Default values:

Property Value
Member Value
bFixedTimeStep True
bUseHardware True
MaxSubSteps 2
TimeStep 0.02
Member Value
bFixedTimeStep False
bUseHardware True
MaxSubSteps 1
TimeStep 0.02
Member Value
bFixedTimeStep False
bUseHardware False
MaxSubSteps 2
TimeStep 0.02
Member Value
bFixedTimeStep True
bUseHardware True
MaxSubSteps 2
TimeStep 0.02


Modifiers: native

Parameters used for a PhysX primary scene or compartment

bool bUseHardware 
Whether or not to put the scene (or compartment) in PhysX hardware, if available.
bool bFixedTimeStep 
If true, substep sizes are fixed equal to TimeStep.

If false, substep sizes are varied to fit an integer number of times into the frame time.

float TimeStep 
The fixed or maximum substep size, depending on the value of bFixedTimeStep.
int MaxSubSteps 
The maximum number of substeps allowed per frame.

Default values:

Property Value
bFixedTimeStep False
bUseHardware False
MaxSubSteps 5
TimeStep 0.02


Modifiers: native

PhysXEmitterVerticalProperties Emitters 
Parameters for Emitter Vertical


Modifiers: transient, native

Helper struct for tracking on screen messages.

Object.qword Key 
The 'key' for this message.
string ScreenMessage 
The message to display.
Object.Color DisplayColor 
The color to display the message in.
float TimeToDisplay 
The number of frames to display it.
float CurrentTimeDisplayed 
The number of frames it has been displayed so far.


Modifiers: native

Struct used for passing back results from GetWorldFractureSettings

float ChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride 
bool bEnableChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride 
bool bLimitExplosionChunkSize 
float MaxExplosionChunkSize 
bool bLimitDamageChunkSize 
float MaxDamageChunkSize 
int MaxNumFacturedChunksToSpawnInAFrame 
float FractureExplosionVelScale