UE3:SeqVar_ObjectList (UDK)

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UDK Object >> SequenceObject >> SequenceVariable >> SeqVar_Object >> SeqVar_ObjectList
This class in other games:

An ObjectList Var is derived from the SeqVar_Object Variable so it may be used by Actions as if it were just another ObjectVar. For Actions that modify a pointed to ObjectVar Kismet object when in fact they are pointing to an ObjectList, the behavior will be semi undefined and probably will not do what they expect.

For Actions that take a set of pointed to ObjectVars and then do an action TO the actual UObject (e.g. an ExampleGamePawn), then the ObjectList will return the set of Objects it has and the action will just work.

Also, SeqVar_ObjectList objects are not persistent. ObjectLists (for now) are meant to be runtime list storage.


Property group 'SeqVar_ObjectList'


Type: array<Object>

Default values

Property Value
Member Value
A 255
B 102
G 0
R 102
ObjName "Object List"

Instance functions


function Object GetObjectValue ()

Overrides: SeqVar_Object.GetObjectValue

returns the object this variable is currently pointing to if this variable represents a list of objects, only returns the first one


function SetObjectValue (Object NewValue)

Overrides: SeqVar_Object.SetObjectValue

sets the object this variable points to