UE3:SkyLight (UDK)

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UDK Object >> Actor >> Light >> SkyLight
Direct subclass:
This class in other games:

A sky light creates ambient light from the upper, and optionally also the lower, hemisphere of the world. It never cast any shadows, but you can control the area it affects using the InclusionVolumes/ExclusionVolumes settings of its Light component.

Default values

Property Value
Components[1] SkyLightComponent'SkyLightComponent0'
LightComponent SkyLightComponent'SkyLightComponent0'



Class: Engine.SkyLightComponent

Property Value
bCanAffectDynamicPrimitivesOutsideDynamicChannel True
UseDirectLightMap True


Class: Engine.SpriteComponent

Inherits from: Light.Sprite

Property Value
ReplacementPrimitive None
Sprite Texture2D'EditorResources.LightIcons.Light_SkyLight'