UE3:UIDataProvider_OnlineProfileSettings (UDK)

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This class in other games:

This class is responsible for mapping properties in an OnlineGameSettings object to something that the UI system can consume.

Default values

Property Value
ProviderName 'ProfileData'

Instance functions


function AddReadCompleteDelegate (OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInterface, byte LocalUserNum)

Overrides: UIDataProvider_OnlinePlayerStorage.AddReadCompleteDelegate

Sets the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed


  • PlayerInterface - is the OnlinePlayerInterface used
  • LocalUserNum - which user to watch for read complete notifications


function ClearReadCompleteDelegate (OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInterface, byte LocalUserNum)

Overrides: UIDataProvider_OnlinePlayerStorage.ClearReadCompleteDelegate

Clears the delegate used to notify the gameplay code that the last read request has completed


  • PlayerInterface - is the OnlinePlayerInterface used
  • LocalUserNum - which user to stop watching for read complete notifications


function bool ReadData (OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInterface, byte LocalUserNum, OnlinePlayerStorage PlayerStorage)

Overrides: UIDataProvider_OnlinePlayerStorage.ReadData

Reads the data


  • PlayerInterface - is the OnlinePlayerInterface used
  • LocalUserNum - the user that we are reading the data for
  • PlayerStorage - the object to copy the results to and contains the list of items to read


true if the call succeeds, false otherwise


function bool WriteData (OnlinePlayerInterface PlayerInterface, byte LocalUserNum, OnlinePlayerStorage PlayerStorage)

Overrides: UIDataProvider_OnlinePlayerStorage.WriteData

Writes the online data for a given local user to the online data store


  • PlayerInterface - is the OnlinePlayerInterface used
  • LocalUserNum - the user that we are writing the data for
  • PlayerStorage - the object that contains the list of items to write


true if the call succeeds, false otherwise