UE3:UIDataStore_GameState (UDK)

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UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIDataStore >> UIDataStore_GameState
Direct subclasses:
CurrentGameDataStore, PlayerOwnerDataStore
This class in other games:

Tracks all data about the current game state, such as players, objectives, time remaining, current scores, etc. Game data stores can be nested, in that a GameState data store can contain references to other game state data stores. This is useful for isolating the weapon data store associated with a particular player, for example. Game data stores are further divided into two components:

Game state data providers: Provides state and static data about a particular instance of a data source, such as a player, weapon, pickup, or game objective. Data providers can generally not be referenced directly by the UI. Instead, they are normally accessed through a game state data store, such as the game state data store associated with the owning player, or the current game info instance. Game state data stores: Acts as the first layer between the game and the UI. Each data store contains a collection of game state data providers, which provide the data for instances of a game object Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved



delegate OnRefreshDataFieldValue ()

Instance functions


function bool NotifyGameSessionEnded ()

Overrides: UIDataStore.NotifyGameSessionEnded

Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.


TRUE indicates that this data store should be automatically unregistered when this game session ends.