UE3:UTDmgType_Burning (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> DamageType >> UTDamageType >> UTDmgType_Burning
Direct subclasses:
UTDmgType_CicadaRocket, UTDmgType_DarkWalkerTurretBeam, UTDmgType_Fire, UTDmgType_FuryBeam, UTDmgType_Lava, UTDmgType_RaptorRocket, UTDmgType_Rocket, UTDmgType_ScorpionSelfDestruct, UTDmgType_TankShell, UTDmgType_VehicleExplosion, UTDmgType_ViperSelfDestruct
This class in other games:

superclass of damagetypes that cause hit players to burst into flame

Default values

Property Value
GibTrail ParticleSystem'Envy_Effects.Tests.Effects.P_Vehicle_Damage_1'

Static functions


static function float GetHitEffectDuration (Pawn P, float Damage)

Overrides: UTDamageType.GetHitEffectDuration

(Description copied from UTDamageType.GetHitEffectDuration)


duration of hit effect, primarily used for replication timeout to avoid replicating out of date hits to clients when pawns become relevant


static function SpawnHitEffect (Pawn P, float Damage, Object.Vector Momentum, name BoneName, Object.Vector HitLocation)

Overrides: UTDamageType.SpawnHitEffect

SpawnHitEffect() Possibly spawn a custom hit effect