UE3:UTSpecialObjectiveStatusMessage (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> LocalMessage >> UTLocalMessage >> UTObjectiveSpecificMessage >> UTSpecialObjectiveStatusMessage

this class is used for status announcements related to UTOnslaughtSpecialObjectives

Default values

Property Value
bIsConsoleMessage True
Member Value
A 255
B 255
G 160
R 0
FontSize 2
Lifetime 2.5

Static functions


static function byte AnnouncementLevel (byte MessageIndex)

Overrides: UTLocalMessage.AnnouncementLevel


static function UTPlayerController.ObjectiveAnnouncementInfo GetObjectiveAnnouncement (byte MessageIndex, Object Objective, PlayerController PC)

Overrides: UTObjectiveSpecificMessage.GetObjectiveAnnouncement

should be implemented to return the announcement to use based on the given objective and index