Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.

Difference between revisions of "UE3:UTUIResourceDataProvider (UDK)"

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'''Type:''' [[bool]]
'''Type:''' [[bool]]
<!-- enter variable description -->
whether to search all .inis for valid resource provider instances instead of just the our specified config file
this is used for lists that need to support additions via extra files, i.e. mods
===Internal variables===
===Internal variables===

Revision as of 06:24, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIPropertyDataProvider >> UIResourceDataProvider >> UTUIResourceDataProvider
Implemented interfaces
UIListElementCellProvider, UIListElementProvider
Direct subclasses:
UTUIDataProvider_CommunityMenuItem, UTUIDataProvider_DemoFile, UTUIDataProvider_GameModeInfo, UTUIDataProvider_KeyBinding, UTUIDataProvider_MainMenuItems, UTUIDataProvider_MapInfo, UTUIDataProvider_MenuOption, UTUIDataProvider_MidGameMenu, UTUIDataProvider_MultiplayerMenuItem, UTUIDataProvider_Mutator, UTUIDataProvider_SettingsMenuItem, UTUIDataProvider_SimpleMenu, UTUIDataProvider_Weapon
This class in other games:

Extends the resource data provider to have a 'filter' accessor so we can decide whether or not to include the provider in a list of items.


Property group 'UTUIResourceDataProvider'


Type: bool

whether to search all .inis for valid resource provider instances instead of just the our specified config file this is used for lists that need to support additions via extra files, i.e. mods

Internal variables


Type: bool

Modifiers: config

Options to remove certain menu items on a per platform basis.


Type: bool

Modifiers: config


Type: bool

Modifiers: config


Type: string

Modifiers: const

the .ini file that this instance was created from, if not the class default .ini (for bSearchAllInis classes)

Native functions


function native virtual final bool IsFiltered ()


Returns whether or not this provider should be filtered, by default it checks the platform flags.