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UIComp_DrawImage custom subclasses:
[[UE3:Actor (UT3)]]
|category=Subclasses of UIComp_DrawImage{{!}}Subclasses of UIComp_DrawImage (UE3)}{{!}}Subclasses of UIComp_DrawImage (UT3)
|category=Custom classes{{!}}Custom UE3-specific classes{{!}}Custom UT3-specific classes
// Extended to add support for weapon idle animations
simulated state Active
|replaceintitle=/ (?!\()/,_
|resultsheader=\n;Known custom subclasses&#58;:
simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName)
|oneresultheader=\n;Known custom subclass&#58;:
local int i;
// Cache a reference to the AI controller
if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
if  ( SendToIdleState() )
if ( GetZoomedState() == ZST_Zoomed )
OnAnimEnd(none, 0.f, 0.f);
if ( UTBot(Instigator.Controller) != None )
if ( PendingFire(0) )
else if ( PendingFire(1) )
// Check to see if we need to go down
  if( bWeaponPutDown )
`LogInv("Weapon put down requested during transition, put it down now");
else if ( !HasAnyAmmo() )
else if ( bAutoFire )
        // if either of the fire modes are pending, perform them
for( i=0; i<GetPendingFireLength(); i++ )
if ( PendingFire(i) )
if (InvManager != none && InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon != none)
if (InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon != self)
InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon = none;
* Override BeginFire to verify that the pawn isn't busy (performing other blocking animations, etc.) as well
* as handle starting the prefire sequence if this weapon has a prefire animation.
simulated function BeginFire(byte FireModeNum)
// verify that our owning pawn isn't busy before calling Super.BeginFire(), which is where PendingFire is set
if ( !IsFiringAllowed(FireModeNum) )
// `log(`location @ `showvar(IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)),DelayedFire Active));
// if this weapon uses a prefire animation
if ( FireModeNum < PrefireDelay.Length && PreFireDelay[FireModeNum] > 0 )
PrefireCachedStartTrace = InstantFireStartTrace();
if ( FireModeNum == 0 )
// if there is already a timer for this, it means that the user is spamming the fire button
// and we are still performing the prefire sequence from the first time the user pressed the
// fire button
if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)) )
// do the actual firing of the weapon after the prefire sequence has been completed.
SetTimer(PreFireDelay[FireModeNum], false, nameof(DelayedFire));
else if ( FireModeNum == 1 )
// if there is already a timer for this, it means that the user is spamming the fire button
// and we are still performing the prefire sequence from the first time the user pressed the
// fire button
if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedAltFire)) )
// do the actual firing of the weapon after the prefire sequence has been completed.
SetTimer(PreFireDelay[FireModeNum], false, nameof(DelayedAltFire));
`log("Unhandled fire mode in" @ Name $ "." $ GetFuncName() @ "-" @ FireModeNum);
// ensure our weapon mode is custom so that CustomFire() is called right now.  CustomFire() will do the prefire stuff
WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] = EWFT_Custom;
* Called when an animation ends.
* Always return to the weapon idle animation after our last played custom animation is finished, if it has one.
simulated event OnAnimEnd( optional AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, optional float PlayedTime, optional float ExcessTime )
// we do NOTHING, very much on purpose, so that UT will stop triggering our idle animation while we're in the middle
// of doing something else.
* Starts a random idle animation.
simulated function PlayWeaponIdleAnim( optional bool bLocalOnly )
* Called when zooming starts.
* @param WeaponOwner value of Instigator.Controller, the player that is holding this weapon.w
simulated function StartZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner)
// calling Global.StartZoom() will result in the PlayWeaponIdleAnimation() function being called.  Since we are transitioning into
// a zoomed state, we want the idle animation that is played to be the one setup for the zoom mode.  Therefore, PushState() prior
// to calling Global.StartZoom() so that Zoomed.PlayWeaponIdleAnim() is called rather than our version.
// and just to be on the safe side.
simulated state WeaponEquipping
* Overridden to trigger our weapon equip animation and hide the carry attachment.
simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)
if ( !bDisplayAmmoAttachment )
simulated state WeaponFiring
ignores SwitchAmmoTypes;
* Timer event, call is set up in Weapon::TimeWeaponFiring().
* The weapon is given a chance to evaluate if another shot should be fired.
* This event defines the weapon's rate of fire.
simulated function RefireCheckTimer()
if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)) || IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedAltFire)) )
simulated event BeginState(name PreviousStateName)
// this call will result in WeaponFired() being called, which spawns our effects.
// After returning from this function, the CheckRefire timer function will be active.
simulated event EndState(name NextStateName)
local int Idx;
if ( NextStateName == 'Active' )
for ( Idx = 0; Idx < GetPendingFireLength(); Idx++ )
simulated function StartZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner)
// don't allow the player to switch zooming modes while reloading
simulated function EndZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner)
// don't allow the player to switch zooming modes while reloading
/** Override BeginFire so that it will enter the firing state right away. */
simulated function BeginFire(byte FireModeNum)
// verify that our owning pawn isn't busy before calling Super.BeginFire(), which is where PendingFire is set
if ( !IsFiringAllowed(FireModeNum) )
//`log(`location @ `showvar(IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)),DelayedFire Active));
* For tracehit weapons with no prefire delay, handles firing the weapon.
simulated function InstantFire()
* For weapons using projectiles, which have no prefire delay - fires the weapon.
simulated function Projectile ProjectileFire()
return Super.ProjectileFire();
simulated function Delayed_CustomFire( byte FireModeNum );
* Called on a timer (set in BeginFire()), this is called only for weapons which have a prefire delay.
simulated function DelayedFire()
* Called on a timer (set in BeginFire()), this is called only for weapons which have a prefire delay.
simulated function DelayedAltFire()
simulated function DelayedWeaponFire( byte FireModeNum )
// restore our WeaponFireType, since we switched it to EWFT_Custom in BeginFire()
WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] = default.WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum];
if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_InstantHit )
// our own version of InstantFire() is only called for weapons that do not have a prefire
// delay, so go directly to our parent class/state version
else if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_Projectile )
// our own version of ProjectileFire() is only called for weapons that do not have a prefire
// delay, so go directly to our parent class/state version
else if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_Custom )
PrefireCachedStartTrace = vect(0,0,0);
* Utility function to allow me to inject some debugging code prior to passing control to our parent classes.
protected simulated function PerformInstantFire()
Testing UScript highlighter...
class X extends Y within Z
var(Group) interp struct Type {
  var() bool bCorrect;
  var array<class<Actor> > ActorClasses;
} VarName;
reliable client function CheckType(optional class<Actor> ActorClass)
  local int i;
  for (i = 0; i < VarName.ActorClasses.Length; ++i) {
    if (ActorClass == None || ClassIsChildOf(VarName.ActorClasses[i], ActorClass)) {
    VarName.ActorClasses.Remove(i--, 1);
  VarName.bCorrect = True;
static function byte GetHash(int Value)
  switch (Value) {
    case -1:
      return 0;
    case 0xCAFE:
      return 1
      return (Value >= 0 && Value < 10) ? class'Hasher'.default.Hash[Value] : (Value & 0xff);
  VarName[0] = {(
    bCorrect = True,

Latest revision as of 01:55, 9 August 2015

Do not edit the area above the separator line, please.

UIComp_DrawImage custom subclasses: