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Legacy:Actor Actor UE3:Actor (UT3) Project:Sandbox
<uscript> // Extended to add support for weapon idle animations ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// simulated state Active { simulated function BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { local int i;
// Cache a reference to the AI controller if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { CacheAIController(); }
if ( SendToIdleState() ) { if ( GetZoomedState() == ZST_Zoomed ) { PushState('Zoomed'); } }
OnAnimEnd(none, 0.f, 0.f); if ( UTBot(Instigator.Controller) != None ) { if ( PendingFire(0) ) { StillFiring(0); } else if ( PendingFire(1) ) { StillFiring(1); } }
// Check to see if we need to go down
if( bWeaponPutDown )
{ `LogInv("Weapon put down requested during transition, put it down now"); PutDownWeapon(); } else if ( !HasAnyAmmo() ) { WeaponEmpty(); } else if ( bAutoFire ) { // if either of the fire modes are pending, perform them for( i=0; i<GetPendingFireLength(); i++ ) { if ( PendingFire(i) ) { BeginFire(i); break; } } }
if (InvManager != none && InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon != none) { if (InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon != self) { InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon.ClientWeaponSet(true); } InvManager.LastAttemptedSwitchToWeapon = none; } }
/** * Override BeginFire to verify that the pawn isn't busy (performing other blocking animations, etc.) as well * as handle starting the prefire sequence if this weapon has a prefire animation. */ simulated function BeginFire(byte FireModeNum) { // verify that our owning pawn isn't busy before calling Super.BeginFire(), which is where PendingFire is set if ( !IsFiringAllowed(FireModeNum) ) { return; }
// `log(`location @ `showvar(IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)),DelayedFire Active));
// if this weapon uses a prefire animation if ( FireModeNum < PrefireDelay.Length && PreFireDelay[FireModeNum] > 0 ) { PrefireCachedStartTrace = InstantFireStartTrace(); if ( FireModeNum == 0 ) { // if there is already a timer for this, it means that the user is spamming the fire button // and we are still performing the prefire sequence from the first time the user pressed the // fire button if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)) ) { return; }
// do the actual firing of the weapon after the prefire sequence has been completed. SetTimer(PreFireDelay[FireModeNum], false, nameof(DelayedFire)); } else if ( FireModeNum == 1 ) { // if there is already a timer for this, it means that the user is spamming the fire button // and we are still performing the prefire sequence from the first time the user pressed the // fire button if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedAltFire)) ) { return; }
// do the actual firing of the weapon after the prefire sequence has been completed. SetTimer(PreFireDelay[FireModeNum], false, nameof(DelayedAltFire)); } else { `log("Unhandled fire mode in" @ Name $ "." $ GetFuncName() @ "-" @ FireModeNum); ScriptTrace(); }
// ensure our weapon mode is custom so that CustomFire() is called right now. CustomFire() will do the prefire stuff WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] = EWFT_Custom; }
Super.BeginFire(FireModeNum); }
/** * Called when an animation ends. * * Always return to the weapon idle animation after our last played custom animation is finished, if it has one. */ simulated event OnAnimEnd( optional AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, optional float PlayedTime, optional float ExcessTime ) { // we do NOTHING, very much on purpose, so that UT will stop triggering our idle animation while we're in the middle // of doing something else. }
/** * Starts a random idle animation. */ simulated function PlayWeaponIdleAnim( optional bool bLocalOnly ) { Global.PlayWeaponIdleAnim(bLocalOnly); }
* Called when zooming starts.
* @param WeaponOwner value of Instigator.Controller, the player that is holding this weapon.w
simulated function StartZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner)
// calling Global.StartZoom() will result in the PlayWeaponIdleAnimation() function being called. Since we are transitioning into // a zoomed state, we want the idle animation that is played to be the one setup for the zoom mode. Therefore, PushState() prior // to calling Global.StartZoom() so that Zoomed.PlayWeaponIdleAnim() is called rather than our version. PushState('Zoomed'); Global.StartZoom(WeaponOwner);
// and just to be on the safe side. PlayWeaponIdleAnim();
`wtrace_exit(Self); } }
simulated state WeaponEquipping { /** * Overridden to trigger our weapon equip animation and hide the carry attachment. */ simulated event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName) { Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName);
if ( !bDisplayAmmoAttachment ) { ToggleCarryAttachment(false); } } }
simulated state WeaponFiring { ignores SwitchAmmoTypes; /** * Timer event, call is set up in Weapon::TimeWeaponFiring(). * The weapon is given a chance to evaluate if another shot should be fired. * This event defines the weapon's rate of fire. */ simulated function RefireCheckTimer() { if ( IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)) || IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedAltFire)) ) { return; } Super.RefireCheckTimer(); }
simulated event BeginState(name PreviousStateName) { // this call will result in WeaponFired() being called, which spawns our effects. // After returning from this function, the CheckRefire timer function will be active. Super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); }
simulated event EndState(name NextStateName) { local int Idx;
if ( NextStateName == 'Active' ) { for ( Idx = 0; Idx < GetPendingFireLength(); Idx++ ) { ClearPendingFire(Idx); } }
Super.EndState(NextStateName); }
simulated function StartZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner) { // don't allow the player to switch zooming modes while reloading }
simulated function EndZoom(UTPlayerController WeaponOwner) { // don't allow the player to switch zooming modes while reloading } }
/** Override BeginFire so that it will enter the firing state right away. */ simulated function BeginFire(byte FireModeNum) {
// verify that our owning pawn isn't busy before calling Super.BeginFire(), which is where PendingFire is set if ( !IsFiringAllowed(FireModeNum) ) { return; } //`log(`location @ `showvar(IsTimerActive(nameof(DelayedFire)),DelayedFire Active));
* For tracehit weapons with no prefire delay, handles firing the weapon. */
simulated function InstantFire() { //`log(`location); CustomFire(); PerformInstantFire(); }
* For weapons using projectiles, which have no prefire delay - fires the weapon. */
simulated function Projectile ProjectileFire() { //`log(`location); CustomFire(); return Super.ProjectileFire();
simulated function Delayed_CustomFire( byte FireModeNum );
* Called on a timer (set in BeginFire()), this is called only for weapons which have a prefire delay. */
simulated function DelayedFire() { DelayedWeaponFire(0); }
* Called on a timer (set in BeginFire()), this is called only for weapons which have a prefire delay. */
simulated function DelayedAltFire() { DelayedWeaponFire(1); }
simulated function DelayedWeaponFire( byte FireModeNum ) { //`log(`location); // restore our WeaponFireType, since we switched it to EWFT_Custom in BeginFire() WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] = default.WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum]; if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_InstantHit ) { // our own version of InstantFire() is only called for weapons that do not have a prefire // delay, so go directly to our parent class/state version PerformInstantFire(); } else if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_Projectile ) { // our own version of ProjectileFire() is only called for weapons that do not have a prefire // delay, so go directly to our parent class/state version Super.ProjectileFire(); } else if ( WeaponFireTypes[FireModeNum] == EWFT_Custom ) { Delayed_CustomFire(FireModeNum); }
PrefireCachedStartTrace = vect(0,0,0); }
* Utility function to allow me to inject some debugging code prior to passing control to our parent classes. */
protected simulated function PerformInstantFire() { Super.InstantFire(); }
Testing UScript highlighter... <uscript> class X extends Y within Z
implements(I) nottransient;
var(Group) interp struct Type {
var() bool bCorrect; var array<class<Actor> > ActorClasses;
} VarName;
reliable client function CheckType(optional class<Actor> ActorClass) {
local int i;
for (i = 0; i < VarName.ActorClasses.Length; ++i) { if (ActorClass == None || ClassIsChildOf(VarName.ActorClasses[i], ActorClass)) { VarName.ActorClasses[i].static.StaticSaveConfig(); continue; } VarName.ActorClasses.Remove(i--, 1); } VarName.bCorrect = True;
static function byte GetHash(int Value) {
switch (Value) { case -1: return 0; case 0xCAFE: return 1 default: return (Value >= 0 && Value < 10) ? class'Hasher'.default.Hash[Value] : (Value & 0xff); }
defaultproperties {
VarName.Empty VarName[0] = {( bCorrect = True, ActorClasses.Add(class'ReplicationInfo') )}
} </uscript>