Worst-case scenario: the UEd Goblin wipes the map and burns down your house.
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//See Timer function for relevant code. Entire class is provided for context purposes. class EONSScorpionEnergyProjectileRed extends Projectile; #exec AUDIO IMPORT FILE="Sounds\DP_Explode.wav" NAME="DP_Explode" GROUP="Scorpion" var vector initialDir; var float FlyingDamageRadius; var class<Emitter> ProjectileEffectClass< SEMI > var Emitter ProjectileEffect; var class<xEmitter> HitEmitterClass< SEMI > var class<Emitter> ExplosionEmitterClass< SEMI > var bool bZap, bEffects; var byte Team; replication { reliable if(bNetDirty && Role==ROLE_Authority) bZap, Team; } simulated function PostBeginPlay() { local Rotator R; if (Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { ProjectileEffect = spawn(ProjectileEffectClass, self,, Location, Rotation); ProjectileEffect.SetBase(self); } Super.PostBeginPlay(); Velocity = Speed * Vector(Rotation); R = Rotation; R.Roll = 32768; SetRotation(R); Velocity.z += TossZ; initialDir = Velocity; Team = Instigator.GetTeamNum(); //Use the timer for electromagnetic shocks while travelling SetTimer(0.05, True); //Was 0.05, upping to 0.20 to see if it reduces lag bEffects = false; } simulated function Destroyed() { //If we didn't zap someone, and destroy got called before we hit something (our lifetime probably expired), then explode if (!bZap) { if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { HurtRadius(Damage, DamageRadius, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Location); } } //If the explosion effects weren't previously called, we can call them now so our projectile always explodes a the end of its life if (!bEffects) SpawnEffects(vect(0,0,0),vect(0,0,0)); if (ProjectileEffect != None) ProjectileEffect.Destroy(); Super.Destroyed(); } simulated function ProcessTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation) { if ( Other != Instigator ) { SpawnEffects(HitLocation, -1 * Normal(Velocity) ); bEffects = true; Explode(HitLocation,Normal(HitLocation-Other.Location)); } } simulated function SpawnEffects( vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) { if ( EffectIsRelevant(Location,false) ) { if (bZap) { spawn(class'xEffects.GoopSparks',,,Location); PlaySound(sound'WeaponSounds.BioRifle.BioRifleGoo1',,8*TransientSoundVolume); } else { PlaySound(ImpactSound,,8*TransientSoundVolume); } spawn(ExplosionEmitterClass,,,Location); spawn(class'ONSPlasmaHitGreen',,,Location); if ( (ExplosionDecal != None) && (Level.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) ) Spawn(ExplosionDecal,self,,HitLocation, rotator(-HitNormal)); } } simulated function Landed( vector HitNormal ) { SpawnEffects( Location, HitNormal ); bEffects = true; Explode(Location,HitNormal); } simulated function HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor Wall) { Landed(HitNormal); } simulated function Explode(vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal) { Destroy(); } simulated function Timer() { local Vehicle Other; local Controller C, NextC; local xEmitter HitEmitter; local int TempDamage; bZap = false; C = Level.ControllerList; //Instead of using ForEach VisibleCollidingActors, lets traverse the Controller List, it may be faster //ForEach VisibleCollidingActors(class'Vehicle',Other,FlyingDamageRadius) while (C != None) { NextC = C.NextController; if (C.Pawn != None && Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None) log("C.Pawn != None && Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None is true. C.Pawn is a "$C.Pawn.class); else log("C.Pawn != None && Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None is false. C.Pawn is a "$C.Pawn.class); //if (Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None) // log("Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None is true"); //else log("Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None is false"); //if (C.Pawn != Instigator) // log("C.Pawn != Instigator is true"); //else log("C.Pawn != Instigator is false"); //if (C.Pawn.Health > 0) // log("C.Pawn.Health > 0 is true"); //else log("C.Pawn.Health > 0 is false"); if (!C.SameTeamAs(Instigator.Controller)) log("This target is on the opposite team"); else log("This target is on the same team."); if (VSize(C.Pawn.Location - Instigator.Location) < FlyingDamageRadius) log("This target is within the zap distance."); else log("This target is outside the zap distance."); if (FastTrace(C.Pawn.Location, Instigator.Location)) log("There is a clear shot to this target."); else log("There is not a clear shot to this target."); if ((Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSHoverBike') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSAttackCraft') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSDualAttackCraft') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSHoverCraft') )) log("This is one of our target vehicles."); else log("This is not one of our target vehicles."); //If the vehicle is not on our team, is being driven, has a clear trace between the projectile and the vehicle, and is of a specified type, then we proceed if ( C.Pawn != None && Vehicle(C.Pawn) != None && C.Pawn != Instigator && C.Pawn.Health > 0 && !C.SameTeamAs(Instigator.Controller) && VSize(C.Pawn.Location - Instigator.Location) < FlyingDamageRadius && FastTrace(C.Pawn.Location, Instigator.Location) && (Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSHoverBike') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSAttackCraft') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSDualAttackCraft') || Vehicle(C.Pawn).IsA('ONSHoverCraft') ) ) { // log("Success!!!"); if ( Role == ROLE_Authority ) { if (Other.Health < 100 && Other.Health > 25) { TempDamage = Max(1,(Other.Health - 25)); Other.TakeDamage( TempDamage, Instigator, Other.Location, Normal(Location-Other.Location), MyDamageType); Other.DriverRadiusDamage( (TempDamage/3)+Rand(10), DamageRadius, Instigator.Controller, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, (Other.Location + VRand()*30) ); //We may need to change Hitlocation to Other.Location Other.EjectDriver(); bZap = true; } else { Other.TakeDamage(Damage, Instigator, Other.Location, Normal(Location-Other.Location), MyDamageType); Other.DriverRadiusDamage( (Damage/3)+Rand(10), DamageRadius, Instigator.Controller, MyDamageType, MomentumTransfer, Other.Location ); bZap = true; } //Log("Applying damage to nearby vehicle: "$(FlyingDamageRadius-(VSize(Location-Other.Location))) * Default.FlyingDamage/FlyingDamageRadius); } //Once this projectile has zapped something, draw the zap and then the projectile goes away. if (bZap) { HitEmitter = spawn(HitEmitterClass,,, Self.Location, rotator(Other.Location - Self.Location)); if (HitEmitter != None) HitEmitter.mSpawnVecA = Other.Location; Other.PlaySound(ImpactSound,,8*TransientSoundVolume); Self.Destroy(); } } C = NextC; } if (Velocity.Z > -1000) { Velocity.Z -= 30; } } defaultproperties { Speed=4500.000000 //4500/5000/4000 Damage=80.000000 DamageRadius=275.000000 //275/220 FlyingDamageRadius=1000.000000 //Because we reduced the frequency of the checks from .05 to .20, we increase the range here simply to increase the odds of it triggering successfully. Was 575/500/525/440 MomentumTransfer=50000.000000 LifeSpan=2.000000 //1.6 ProjectileEffectClass=class'EONSScorpionEnergyProjectileEffectRed' HitEmitterClass=class'EONSScorpionEnergyProjectileZapEmitter' ExplosionEmitterClass=class'ONSPlasmaHitRed' ExplosionDecal=class'LinkBoltScorch' DrawScale=0.3 AmbientGlow=100 CullDistance=+8000.0 TossZ=+0.0 //225.0 bFixedRotationDir=True DesiredRotation=(Pitch=12000,Yaw=5666,Roll=2334) bProjTarget=True bNetTemporary=True ImpactSound=Sound'DP_Explode' AmbientSound=Sound'WeaponSounds.BTranslocatorHoverModule' SoundRadius=100 SoundVolume=255 ForceType=FT_Constant ForceScale=5.0 ForceRadius=60.0 MyDamageType=class'DamTypeEONSScorpionEnergyProjectile' }