I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.

Unreal Wiki:Scratchpad

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Revision as of 17:24, 27 March 2009 by 00zX (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for pasting code you want to show someone as an example or to get assistance with. This allows you to easily collaborate with someone to solve a problem, and allows easy comparisons of the edits.

You are free to remove any existing code from below, and paste your code between the <uscript> </uscript> tags. If the page hasn't been edited in the last few hours (the last edit timestamp is 2009-03-27 17:24:58), you can assume it isn't needed anymore and can be removed. A full edit history will be available, so don't worry about losing anything you removed.

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// paste your code here

class newhighlightertest extends actor abstract;
struct stuff{  var actor more;};
var array<stuff> morestuff;
var protected string FOOBOO;
var protected array< class<actor> > actorlist;
var globalconfig bool bEndnow;
var globalconfig string kk;
reliable server function testfunc(actor A){ /* ... */ }
unreliable client function testerfunc(actor A){// /* ... */ }
reliable server function actorlist findinlist(actor A)
   local array<stuff> heapsmorestuff;
   /*local array< class<actor> > Rlist;
   local class<actor> fA;
   //local int i;
   /*foreach A(fA)   {     Rlist.Additem(fA);     kk="blehke: "$fA;   }*/
   for(i=0;i<morestuff.length;i==)   {       heapsmorestuff[i]=default.morestuff[i];   }
   if(Rlist != None)     return Rlist;
   if(bEndnow && bNetInitial)      return fA;
unreliable client function actorlist findinnolist(actor A)
   local array<stuff> heapsmorestuff;
   local array< class<actor> > Rlist;
   local class<actor> fA;
   //local int i;
   /*foreach A(fA)   {     Rlist.Additem(fA);     kk="blehke: "$fA;   }*/
   for(i=0;i<morestuff.length;i==)   {       heapsmorestuff[i]=default.morestuff[i];   }
   if(Rlist != None)     return Rlist;
   if(bEndnow && bNetInitial)      return fA;