User:00zX/Using The Unreal Engine 3 Preprocessor
Including Macro Files
<uscript> class YourPawn extends UTPawn config(YourConfig);
`include(YourMacroFile.uci) </uscript>
Example Macro File
When compiling with the -debug command line switch, the debug macro will then be defined and will switch our blank spaces to config/exec respectively.
<uscript> `if(`notdefined(Debug))
`define dconf `define dexec
`define dconf config `define dexec exec
`endif </uscript>
Copy the above template into a blank text document and call the file YourMacroFile.uci
Example of usage
If we want to add a variable thats configurable only when the macro `DevBuild is defined.
<uscript> class YourPawn extends UTPawn config(YourConfig);
var `{dconf} bool bCanDodge;
function bool Dodge(eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove) { if(bCanDodge) return Super.Dodge(DoubleClickMove); else return false; }
defaultproperties { `if(`notdefined(Debug)) bCanDodge=True `endif } </uscript>
[YourPackage.YourPawn] bCanDodge=True
Example of usage
If we want to add a variable that already exists but is not config editable. (PostBeginPlay) <uscript> class YourPawn extends UTPawn config(YourConfig);
`if(`isdefined(Debug)) var `{dconf} float newGroundSpeed;
function PossessedBy(Controller C, bool bVehicleTransition) { Super.PossessedBy(C, bVehicleTransition);
GroundSpeed = newGroundSpeed; } `endif
Useful Macros
<uscript> /**
* 2005-2011 Daniel Batten (aka 00zX or MonsOlympus) */
/*`define redef(OldDef, NewDef) `undefine `{OldDef} `define `{OldDef} `{NewDef}*/
/* Globals */ `define sWorld_Info class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo() `define sGame_RepInfo `{sWorldInfo}.GRI `define sGravity `{sWorldInfo}.WorldGravityZ `define sEngine class'Engine'.static
/** Timers - checks the timers to see if they are active before setting or clearing them. */
`define CheckClearTimer(name) if(IsTimerActive(nameof(`name))){ClearTimer(nameof(`name));}
`define CheckSetTimer(time, loop, name) if(!IsTimerActive(nameof(`name))){SetTimer(`time, `loop, nameof(`name));}
`define ResetTimer(time, loop, name) SetTimer(`time, `loop, nameof(`name))
/** Variables and Defaults */ `define SetToDefault(Obj, Var) `{Obj}.`{Var} = `{Obj}.Default.`{Var} `define SetVar(Obj, Var) `{Obj}.`{Var} = `{Var}
//Usage: `SetVar(`P, MaxMultiJump) ~ where `P is UTPawn(Pawn) cast. //Outputs: UTPawn(Pawn).MaxMultiJump = MaxMultiJump; ~ Where UT Prefix can be a macro also.
`define CheckRet(Obj) if(`Obj == none) return
/** Save/Load Object */ `define SaveObj(Obj, FileName, Bool, Ver) `sEngine().BasicSaveObject(`{Obj}, `{FileName}, `{Bool}, `{Ver}) `define LoadObj(Obj, FileName, Bool, Ver) `sEngine().BasicSaveObject(`{Obj}, `{FileName}, `{Bool}, `{Ver})
/** MetaTags */ `define mUI(min, max) <UIMin=`min | UIMax=`max> `define mClamp(min, max) <ClampMin=`min | ClampMax=`max> `define mUIClamp(min, max) <UIMin=`min | UIMax=`max | ClampMin=`min | ClampMax=`max>
/* Debugging */ `define LogName 'Debug' `define LogdLine() `logd("------------------------------------------------------",,`{LogName}); `define LogFunc(Name) `log(Self$"."$$"."$GetFuncName()$"()",,`Name); `define LogdFunc() `logd(Self$"."$$"."$GetFuncName()$"()",,`{LogName}); `define LogF(string) `logd(GetFuncName()$"(): "$`{string},,`{LogName});
/* Pawn */ `define ColHeight CylinderComponent.CollisionHeight `define ColRadius CylinderComponent.CollisionRadius `define DefColHeight CylinderComponent.Default.CollisionHeight `define DefColRadius CylinderComponent.Default.CollisionRadius </uscript>