Once I get that upgrade to 36-hour days, I will tackle that. – Mychaeel

Difference between revisions of "User:00zX"

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:[[User:00zX/Setting_Up_Your_UScript_Environment|Setting Up Your UScript Environment]]
:[[User:00zX/Using_The_Unreal_Engine_3_Preprocessor|Using The Unreal Engine 3 Preprocessor]]
:[[UE2:Using_the_UT2004_mod_system|Using The UT2004 Mod System]]
===Contact Me===
====Unreal Development Kit====
[00zX] on [irc://irc.enterthegame.com EnterTheGame]
:[[User:00zX/Plugin_(UDK)|UDK: ReDeX]] ''Status:'' '''Testing'''
:''Description:'' PC Framework for UDK, its a combination of a framework and macros along with associated parser functionality.
::''GamedGFx:''' Scaleform interface along with object saving/loading.
::'''GamedEx:''' GPAK Game framework built using Redux, support for many features; round based play, archetype systems, additions to particles, materials, etc.
::'''GamedCaster:''' First Person Multiplayer PvP.
:[[User:00zX/Project Silky_(UDK)|UDK: Project Silky]] ''Status:'' '''Alpha''' (on hold)
====Unreal Tournament 3====
:[[User:00zX/GameDex Framework_(UT3)|UT3: GameDex Framework]] ''Status:'' '''Beta''' (on hold)
::[[User:00zX/GameDex_Framework_(UT3)#Newtators (Mutator pack)|Newtators-v1.9e]] ''Status:'' '''Point Release'''
::[[User:00zX/GameDex_Framework_(UT3)#Attrition (Gametype)|Attrition-v0.5pb]] ''Status:'' '''Public Beta'''
====Unreal Tournament 2004====
:[[User:00zX/UC2004_(UT2004)|UT2004: Unreal Championship 2004]] ''Status:'' '''Beta''' (dissolved)
:[http://www.divshare.com/download/16967446-918|UT2004: Turbo Instagib] ''Status:'' '''Beta'''
:[http://www.divshare.com/download/16967454-2c0|UT2004: CrapLink]] ''Status:'' '''Beta'''
===UnrealWiki - Code Noir Redex Theme===
====Status: Beta====
To Install copy the contents of the following page into your own ''''User:[name]/monobook.css'''' page.
::[http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.beyondunreal.com%2FUser%3A00zX%2Fmonobook.css&profile=css21&usermedium=all&warning=1&lang=en W3C CSS Validator]
::[http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a123/OlympusMons/CodeNoirRedeX.png High Resolution Image]<br>
:Dark Theme
:High Contrast
:Improved Readability
:Highlighter adjustments for UScript, CSS and XML
:Different coloured borders per GameNameSpace
:Curved Borders in supporting browsers
=====Known Issues=====
:Edit/Input boxes are still black text on white.
:Profile settings page unreadable.
==Contact Me==
_00zX on [irc://irc.enterthegame.com EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/unrealscript #unrealscript on EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/unrealscript #unrealscript on EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/unrealwiki #unrealwiki on EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/beyondunreal #beyondunreal on EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/unrealed #unrealed on EnterTheGame]
_00zX on [irc://irc.gamesurge.net GameSurge]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/chaoticdreams #chaoticdreams on EnterTheGame]
;* [irc://irc.irc.gamesurge.net/udkc #udkc on GameSurge]
;* [irc://irc.enterthegame.com/ausgamers #ausgamers on EnterTheGame]
[[Special:Emailuser/00zX|E-mail 00zX]] or on
;* MonsOlympus @ [www.pastebin.org]
00zX on
;* [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977547936 Steam]
;* [http://delicious.com/00zX delicious]
;* [http://cid-e3f9be95baf34dc8.profile.live.com/ Live]
;* [http://www.facebook.com/people/Roger-Grindhouse/1418813942 Facebook]
;* [http://hosted.filefront.com/00zX Filefront]
;* [http://photobucket.com/00zX Photobucket]

Latest revision as of 09:15, 8 December 2012



Setting Up Your UScript Environment


Using The Unreal Engine 3 Preprocessor


Using The UT2004 Mod System




Unreal Development Kit

UDK: ReDeX Status: Testing
Description: PC Framework for UDK, its a combination of a framework and macros along with associated parser functionality.
GamedGFx:' Scaleform interface along with object saving/loading.
GamedEx: GPAK Game framework built using Redux, support for many features; round based play, archetype systems, additions to particles, materials, etc.
GamedCaster: First Person Multiplayer PvP.
UDK: Project Silky Status: Alpha (on hold)

Unreal Tournament 3

UT3: GameDex Framework Status: Beta (on hold)
Newtators-v1.9e Status: Point Release
Attrition-v0.5pb Status: Public Beta

Unreal Tournament 2004

UT2004: Unreal Championship 2004 Status: Beta (dissolved)
Turbo Instagib Status: Beta
CrapLink] Status: Beta


UnrealWiki - Code Noir Redex Theme


Status: Beta

To Install copy the contents of the following page into your own 'User:[name]/monobook.css' page.

W3C CSS Validator
High Resolution Image
Dark Theme
High Contrast
Improved Readability
Highlighter adjustments for UScript, CSS and XML
Different coloured borders per GameNameSpace
Curved Borders in supporting browsers
Known Issues
Edit/Input boxes are still black text on white.
Profile settings page unreadable.

Contact Me


_00zX on EnterTheGame

_00zX on GameSurge


E-mail 00zX or on

  • MonsOlympus @ [www.pastebin.org]