Works in Progress for Unreal Engine 3
Unreal Development Kit
- UDK: Project Silky - Status: Prototype
- UDK: GameDex Framework - Status: Design
Unreal Tournament 3
- UT3: GameDex Framework - Status: Beta
- Newtators-v1.9e - Status: Point Release
- Attrition-v0.5pb - Status: Public Beta
UnrealWiki - Code Noir Redex Theme
Status: Alpha 9 (testing)
To Install copy the contents of the following page into your own 'User:[name]/monobook.css' page.
- Dark Theme
- High Contrast
- Improved Readability
- Highlighter adjustments for UScript and CSS
- Different coloured borders per GameNameSpace
- Curved Borders in supporting browsers
Known Issues
- Legacy pages display old background image. (Makes unreadable)
- Edit/Input boxes are still black text on white.
- interwiki links are wrong blue colour and dont have hoverover colours.
- Navigation and toolbox background still blue on discussion pages.
- 'Page', 'file' top tab border doesnt work correctly.
- ambox's need background colour adjustments for readability.
Pastebin - Code Noir Redex Theme
Status: Alpha 1
Proposal - Setting Up jEdit for UScripting
Step by step process of installing, setting up jEdit for use with Uscript. From start to finish, using/commiting to repository's and building using Apache Ant. A major portion of this tutorial is dedicated to giving you the knowledge to editing/customizing your programming environment to your liking (I do feel this can help to improve workflow).
Tools required for this tutorial:
- jEdit - Programmers text editor
- GIT - Source/Build Repository
- Uncodex - UScript Class Browser
- NSIS - Installer/Packaging
Introduction to jEdit
- jEdit is a powerful, cross platform, java based programmers text editor.
Edit Modes
- jEdit uses what is called edit modes, these specify:
- Syntax highlighting rules
- Auto indent behavior
- Various other customizations for editing a certain filetype
- These edit modes are easily installed an updated, they use the XML language and jEdits own document type definition for modes (xmode.dtd). More information on edit modes can be found within jEdits Help section along with a section on writing edit modes so you can customize jEdits UScript mode to your liking.
Setting jEdits Mode
- By default jEdit comes with a UScript mode which can be located in the {jEdit Home Directory}\Modes this edit mode is very light weight and doesnt cover all engine versions.
- Im going to recommend not using this directory if you plan to modify your edit mode or use one of the custom ones provided below, the reason for this is simpler backups when using the document directory.
- By default jEdit comes with a UScript mode which can be located in the {jEdit Home Directory}\Modes this edit mode is very light weight and doesnt cover all engine versions.
- On jEdits main toolbar you will find the utilities button, under that is the global options which contains the options for all edit modes. Syntax highlighting colours can be found in here also.
Recommended Plugins
- Project Viewer: Usability.
- Buffer Tabs: Usability.
- Dirty Gutter: Diff.
- TaskList: TODO, NOTE, FIXME's
- Text Autocomplete: Usability - Code Completion.
- Ant Plugin: Build script for UDK with ant.
- WhiteSpace: Usability/Readability.
- Others: Code folding
Plugin Installation and Settings
- jEdits Plugin Manager and Settings can be accessed through the Plugins button on the main toolbar (show picture).
- jEdits Plugin Manager and Settings can be accessed through the Plugins button on the main toolbar (show picture).
- To install new plugins, click on the plugin manager and you will notice a tab up the top of the new window which says install (show picture).
Navigate to this and select the checkboxes for all plugins you wish to install then hit install in the lower left of the panel.
- The plugin settings can be found under the Plugins/Plugin Option button on jEdits main toolbar at the top.
I'll guide you through the settings for each of the recommended plugins to show you which options I prefer as you may want to adjust these or similar to your liking. |
Creating your first Project
- In this part of the tutorial we will be creating a project using jEdit and Project Viewer.
- First off I prefer to have the project viewer docked on the left hand side of jEdit, you can however put it anywhere you wish to place it.
Right click on All Projects which you should see in your project viewer, add a new group (this is a recommendation), this will help to keep all your UScript UT3/UDK etc seperate from any other projects you may wish to create. I have a group named UE3 for example, then under that group I have UT3 and UDK to house each of the projects I have for each.
- Once you have your groups setup to your liking you are ready to create a project, this will require that you have a directory to scan for source files within.
Lets create a directory, as examples I'll use UT3 and UDK but you can find information on various UE games directory structures here on the wiki.
Update these to contain info on various UE versions in the new namespace's, then use those Basic Procedures as part of this tutorial. Legacy:Add_EditPackage |
Directory Structure
- Engine Directory Structure - First we'll start with a rundown of the unreal engines directory structure.
Setting Up Package Folders
- Set Up Package Folders - Then we examine how to setup package's so you can compile.
- For Unreal Script Classes you will need to first make the package's folder and then the Classes folder. The following eg shows the package folders being
UT2004 - All UT2004 source can be located under the Drive:\{UT2004 Dir}\System Directory so you would create a new directory containing the directory classes in there.
UT3 - For UT3 you create a folder in the Drive:\{User Folder}\{Documents}\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Src directory also containing the directory classes.
UDK - For UDK you create a folder in the Drive:\UDK\{UDK-Version}\Development\Src directory.
So you should have a directory structure like:
UT2004 - Drive:\{UT2004}\System\{Your Package}\Classes
UT3 - Drive:\{User Folder}\{Documents}\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Src\{Your Package}\Classes
UDK - Drive:\UDK\{UDK-Version}\Development\Src\{Your Package}\Classes
Multiple packages will be covered alittle later. |
Right click on the group you wish to create the project within, click Add Project. This will display the create project dialogs (show Picture) Select a name and the root directory for you project, for now select {Your Package} directory.
Project Viewer would now have selected the project for you, you can navigate back to all projects using the drop down box at the top of Project Viewer.
Creating your first Class
Go to file in jEdits main toolbar and select new. Copy/Paste this template unreal script class to the file, then save the file as {Your Package}\Classes\YourClass.uc <uscript>class YourClass extends Mutator;
function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage) { `log("I am your mutator",,'mutator'); } </uscript>
You'll notice that Project Viewer doesnt automatically scan for new classes unless it has been selected to do so. Right click on your project in the Project Viewer panel and select 'Re-import files'. Make sure the Project and Classes directories are expanded and you should now see {Your Class} in there.
More on jEdit Modes
Creating a customized template an macro for creating a new class based on this template.
Customizing Project Viewer
Specialized section on setting up Project Viewer's context (Right Click) menu to contain a create class button which will create a class based on a UScript template.
Compiling your Project
Introduction to UnCodex
This is basically a must have application for anyone doing UScript unless ofcoarse you opt to use other IDE's which contain their own class browsers. Personally I think uncodex is still the best out there and its quick with minimal overhead.
There are two versions of UnCodex that I use, I prefer using the older 227 for anything pre-UE3 or TribesV for those I use the newer 237-beta version.
Ideally jEdit would allow UScript class browsing like it does Java. There was an Eclipse plugin, theres a Visual Studio IDE called [Nfringe] and there is also (Gah I forget the name). |
Setting Up UnCodex
Working with multiple copys of unreal engine source (for eg, numerous UDK copies) can be tedious to continuously analyze all the time in uncodex so I'll guide you through setting it up so you can have numerous shortcuts all which cache different versions of [Unreal Engine].
You have to be careful however, this can get confusing as to which copy is in which UnCodex window but you can double check the title bar, which I highly recommend you do. I have been caught out a few times with this myself between UT3 and UDK sources.
As a general rule of thumb I just use the naming convention:
"Drive:\{UnCodeX}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-{GameName/Version}.ini
UT2004 - "Drive:\{UnCodeX227}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-UT2004.ini
DeusEx - "Drive:\{UnCodeX227}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-DeusEx.ini
UT3 - "Drive:\{UnCodeX237-beta}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-UT3.ini
UDK - "Drive:\{UnCodeX237-beta}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-UDK-2009-11-2.ini
UDK - "Drive:\{UnCodeX237-beta}\UnCodeX.exe" -config UnCodeX-UDK-2010-02.ini
Now these INI's will have to exist for this to work, so copy the default UnCodeX.ini and rename it to UnCodeX-{GameName/Version}.ini. Open this file in jEdit or notepad for editing,
[Sources] ''Add your source directories here''
UT2004 - Drive:\{UT2004}\System\
UT3 - Drive:\{User Folder}\{Documents}\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Src\
This can be done once UnCodeX is loaded for this mode. |
For UT3 you will require two directories selected for scanning, one is the exported script directory the other is Src directory within UTGame. With UT2.x and UDK you work along side Epic's Packages so it'll scan both, you can set UnCodeX to scan numerous directories for any mode. |
This is an absolute requirement for UnCodeX to function in multiple mode's correctly. In the past I have forgotten to do this and as the cache isnt saved for that source directory you must rescan each time UnCodeX is loaded.
[GUI.General] StateFile=UnCodeX-{GameName-Version}.ucx
UT2004 - StateFile=UnCodeX-UT2004.ucx
DeusEx - StateFile=UnCodeX-DeusEx.ucx
UT3 - StateFile=UnCodeX-UT3.ucx
UDK - StateFile=UnCodeX-UDK-2009-11-2.ucx
UDK - StateFile=UnCodeX-UDK-2010-02.ucx
Once you have done that for your required modes you can boot the shortcut and analyze the source, now every time you boot you would be using the cache for that ini/source.
Introduction to Git
Git is a free & open source, distributed version control system.
msysgit - windows
GIT command prompt
Creating a repository=
# cd hello # ls # git init # git add .
Pushing a repository to GitHub
Create a repository on GitHub then...
# cd hello # git remote add origin [email protected]:tabrez/hello.git # git push origin master
Pushing a repository to GitHub
Compiling using a simple Batch - Windows
Commandline option links for each UE version.
UDK - Simple Compile batch
Drive:\UDK\{UDK-Version}\Binaries\UDK.exe make -debug -intermediate -log=CompileLog.log -full pause
Introduction to Ant for jEdit
Using Ant to package a release, both compressed file and Nsis2.0. Online Manual
Using Ant scripts to commit to git repository.
Introduction to NSIS
Creating an NSIS package script
Using the UDK installer?
Proposal - Replication
Status: On Hold
-00zX 20:49, 3 April 2009 (UTC)
- Replication / Replication_(computer_science)
- Concept of servers and clients.(NetMode/Relevancy/Reliability)
- Declaring Replication using the Replication Block
- Function Replication using the replication block?
- Booleans Declared in actor that are useful in replication
- NetMode (concept)
- Replication Block
- Actor Replication (bools bnetinitial eg)
- Variable Value Replication (using block)
- Repnotify / ReplicatedEvents
- Function call replication(UT2004)
- Function call replication(UT3)
- Reliability
- Relevance (actor replication??)
- Role and RemoteRole
- Info
- ReplicationInfo
- GameReplicationInfo (GRI)
- PlayerReplicationInfo (PRI)
- LinkedReplicationInfo (LRI)
- ReplicationInfo
Replication Block
UE3:Actor_(UT3) - link to replication block
Previously in UT200x Reliable and Unreliable were used as part of the replication block as of Unreal Engine 3 this is no longer the case with the keywords becoming function modifiers.
replication { reliable/unreliable if ( replication condition ) identifiers; }
replication { if ( replication condition ) identifiers; }
- Identifiers can be of many types, certain types however arnt allowed like dynamic arrays.
Explain Why can loose sync! it is possible to crosscheck dynamic arrays but it would come at a cost.
Unlike any other data type in UnrealScript, dynamic arrays have absolutely no support for replication. Attempting to replicate a dynamic array variable will have no effect on the remote instance of that variable. Attempting to use a dynamic array as parameter of a replicated function will result in the parameter being empty when the function is executed on the remote side.
Actor Replication
Variable Value Replication
<uscript> var() float NewEquipTime; var() float NewPutDownTime;
if(bNetDirty && (Role == ROLE_Authority) && bNetInitial)
NewEquipTime, NewPutDownTime;
Repnotify and Replicated Events
This is new in Unreal Engine 3 and is not available in previous versions. <uscript> simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName); // Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated
/** adds/removes a property from a list of properties that will always be replicated when this Actor is bNetInitial, even if the code thinks
* the client has the same value the server already does * This is a workaround to the problem where an LD places an Actor in the level, changes a replicated variable away from the defaults, * then at runtime the variable is changed back to the default but it doesn't replicate because initial replication is based on class defaults * Only has an effect when called on bStatic or bNoDelete Actors * Only properties already in the owning class's replication block may be specified * @param PropToReplicate the property to add or remove to the list * @param bAdd true to add the property, false to remove the property */
native final function SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property PropToReplicate, bool bAdd); </uscript>
UE3:DroppedPickup_(UT3) <uscript> var repnotify class<Inventory> InventoryClass; // Class of the inventory object to pickup var repnotify bool bFadeOut;
replication { if( Role==ROLE_Authority ) InventoryClass, bFadeOut; }
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { if( VarName == 'InventoryClass' ) { SetPickupMesh( InventoryClass.default.DroppedPickupMesh ); SetPickupParticles( InventoryClass.default.DroppedPickupParticles ); } else if ( VarName == 'bFadeOut' ) { GotoState('Fadeout'); } else { super.ReplicatedEvent(VarName); } }
Function call replication
- Like replicated variables, the replication of a function call can be tied to certain conditions. In Unreal Engine 1 and 2 this condition is specified via the replication block and typically involves comparing the actor's Role to the value ROLE_Authority, Unreal Engine 3 provides the special function modifiers client and server instead.
- Using Network modifiers for Functions
Reliable Unreliable
<uscript> /** Sets the clients weapon to use the replicated variables */ reliable client function SetWeapProps(UTWeapon W) { W.EquipTime = NewEquipTime; W.PutDownTime = NewPutDownTime; }</uscript>
<uscript> /** Gets the times from the weapons and sets them to the replicated variables */ reliable server function GetWeapProps(UTWeapon W) { NewEquipTime = W.default.EquipTime * 0.68; NewPutDownTime = W.default.PutDownTime * 0.70; }</uscript>
Role and RemoteRole
- The Actor class defines the NetRole enumeration and two variables, Role and RemoteRole, as follows:
{{category game enums|UT3|Unreal Tournament 3}}
enum ENetRole
ROLE_None, // No role at all.
ROLE_SimulatedProxy, // Locally simulated proxy of this actor.
ROLE_AutonomousProxy, // Locally autonomous proxy of this actor.
ROLE_Authority, // Authoritative control over the actor.
var ENetRole RemoteRole, Role;
Just like any other Enum really. <uscript> if (Role == ROLE_Authority) { // This is the authorative copy of this actor, it was spawned on this machine. // It is not a guarantee that we are on the server or in single player! }
if (Role < ROLE_Authortity)
// This is a non-authorative copy of this actor that was replicated
// from the server. In other words, we must be on a client.
As in the replication block of Actor.uc UT3
// Physics
if( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && bReplicateMovement
&& ((RemoteRole == ROLE_SimulatedProxy) && (bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition)) )
- The WorldInfo (previously Level Class [ut2kx]) class defines the NetMode enumeration and two variables, Role and RemoteRole, as follows:
- In LevelInfo for most Unreal Engine games pre UT3/GOW
var enum ENetMode
NM_Standalone, // Standalone game.
NM_DedicatedServer, // Dedicated server, no local client.
NM_ListenServer, // Listen server, local client+server.
NM_Client // Client only, no local server.
} NetMode;
Standalone game Dedicated server, no local client Listen server, local client+server Client only, no local server
Just like any other enum really. <uscript> simulated event PostBeginPlay() { if(WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer) { // Code here will only be executed on Listen servers and game clients. }
if(WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
// Code here will only be executed on a server.
or similarly like in the Role and RemoteRole example:
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
if (WorldInfo.NetMode < NM_DedicatedServer)
// Code here will only be executed on Listen servers and game clients.
if (WorldInfo.NetMode > NM_DedicatedServer) { // Code here will only be executed on a server or standalone client. } }</uscript>
Useful Replication Properties
UT3 actor.uc
<uscript> // Networking flags var const bool bNetTemporary; // Tear-off simulation in network play. var const bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner; // this actor is only relevant to its owner. If this flag is changed during play, all non-owner channels would need to be explicitly closed. var transient bool bNetDirty; // set when any attribute is assigned a value in unrealscript, reset when the actor is replicated var bool bAlwaysRelevant; // Always relevant for network. var bool bReplicateInstigator; // Replicate instigator to client (used by bNetTemporary projectiles). var bool bReplicateMovement; // if true, replicate movement/location related properties var bool bSkipActorPropertyReplication; // if true, dont replicate actor class variables for this actor var bool bUpdateSimulatedPosition; // if true, update velocity/location after initialization for simulated proxies var bool bTearOff; // if true, this actor is no longer replicated to new clients, and // is "torn off" (becomes a ROLE_Authority) on clients to which it was being replicated. var bool bOnlyDirtyReplication; // if true, only replicate actor if bNetDirty is true - useful if no C++ changed attributes (such as physics) // bOnlyDirtyReplication only used with bAlwaysRelevant actors
/** Demo recording variables */
var transient bool bDemoRecording; /** set when we are currently replicating this Actor into a demo */
var transient bool bClientDemoRecording; /** set when we are recording a clientside demo */
var transient bool bRepClientDemo; /** set if remote client is recording a clientside demo */
var bool bDemoOwner; // Demo recording driver owns this actor.
/** Should replicate initial rotation. This property should never be changed during execution, as the client and server rely on the default value of this property always being the same. */ var const bool bNetInitialRotation;
/** If true, never replicate rotation */ var bool bNeverReplicateRotation;
var bool bReplicateRigidBodyLocation; // replicate Location property even when in PHYS_RigidBody var bool bKillDuringLevelTransition; // If set, actor and its components are marked as pending kill during seamless map transitions /** whether we already exchanged Role/RemoteRole on the client, as removing then readding a streaming level
* causes all initialization to be performed again even though the actor may not have actually been reloaded */
var const bool bExchangedRoles; </uscript>
(Level.NetMode == NM_Client && bNetOwner)
– owner clients (special case of client where the local player is the Owner of the actor in question)
NetUpdateFrequency is another variable useful in replication. It effectively causes an otherwise relevant (not useful when the actor is not relevant) actor to be relevant NetUpdateFrequency times per second. This is useful when the data changes frequently but you only want periodic updates. For example, PlayerReplicationInfo contains a lot of data about the client. Stuff like the various player's pings may change quite frequently, and having the client keep track of such information would be quite a network hog. But since PlayerReplicationInfo has a NetUpdateFrequency of 2, it is only updated twice a second, which is much nicer for that player's bandwidth. The list of the current NetUpdateFrequency's for all UT classes are listed below:
Actor - 100 Hz (times per second)
ZoneInfo - 4 Hz
GameReplicationInfo - 4 Hz
PlayerReplicationInfo - 2 Hz
Inventory - 8 Hz
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00zX on EnterTheGame
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