I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
The Modest Mapper: Tips I've Learned Over Time
I call myself the modest mapper because I am a slow learner of the Unreal Editor but I build off other's knowledge and experience based on the feedback, both positive and negative, they give. Some people have noticed my improvement, but as of now I am relatively unknown. Hopefully with my consistent and steady use of the Editor I'll improve my skills and make that one map that rocks. From a rookie mapper to another rookie mapper, here are my pieces of advice.
- Look at really good maps that others have made. And I don't mean simply playing in them; open them up in the Editor and take a look at their techniques. For example, if you plan to build an Assault map for UT99, check out AS-Bridge or AS-Asthenosphere.
- Check out this wiki for mapping lessons. These helped me get my foot in the door way back when. If there's something you don't know about or are confused on, look here first.
- Instead of just throwing a bunch of rooms into the Editor, try visualizing your map before starting. Sometimes a simple sketch of the layout of the map will do; it gives you something to go off of.
- Use general accepted techniques to avoid bad-looking maps: align textures, stay on the grid, try to avoid all-white lighting, and for crying out loud remember the music and screenshot.
- Never release your first map. EVER.
The original version of this was my third attempt under my old name Ju.L.mo. This '][' version is my fourth attempt. It is a stadium with two levels of seating, a stage, and a backstage area. Most of the texturing was done with UTtech1. The Good:
- Bots worked well
- Remembered to add music and screenshot
- BSP was clean
- Texturing was more consistent
- Lighting was varied slightly
The Bad:
- Relatively simple map
- Not much sense of realism or setting
- Layout forced bots to the bottom level
What I Learned:
- Use semi-solids to avoid BSP problems
- Avoid all white lighting
- Add little details to create more realism
- Be careful when changing themes in a map.
DM-Usine (In Progress)
This is my first attempt at mapping in a long time, and fifth overall. Currently, I still have yet to place weapons and start pathing, but the visuals are nearly complete. The Good, thus far:
- Major improvement
- Environment 'comes alive' with sounds and sealed-off areas
- Light color varies
- Decent Z-Axis combat
The Bad, thus far:
- Scale was incredibly large
- Several dead-ends
- Long hallways with little cover
- Simplistic design
What I learned, thus far:
- Design the map with a more realistic scale
- Use decorations and additions to break up hallways
- Give the map more flow
CTF-Hauteur (In Progress)
This map I've also re-started along with Usine. It is a symmetrical CTF map on an orbital space station. I've used mostly UtTech1 and Playership texturing, but it is far from complete.