Cogito, ergo sum


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Revision as of 18:29, 3 July 2010 by Wormbo (Talk | contribs) (added ONSPowerCoreSpecial class and new ONSPowerNodeSpecial properties)

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The OnslaughtSpecials package contains some improved versions of Onslaught-specific actors. Currently it provides advanced versions of the power cores and power node classes.

See this thread at the Omnip)o(tentS Forums for download and an example map.


UT2004 Object >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> JumpDest >> JumpSpot >> GameObjective >> DestroyableObjective >> ONSPowerCore >> ONSPowerCoreSpecial (custom)

A standard Onslaught power core with a few additional features.


Type: bool

If the power core itself isn't upright (i.e. Rotation.Pitch/Roll changed), should its sky beam be?


Type: int

How much health the core initially has.


Type: array<name>

A list of actor names that should be associated with this core and not any other core or node. Any PlayerStart, ONSVehicleFactory, ONSStationaryWeaponPawn, ONSTeleportPad and xTeamBanner with a matching name or Tag will be affected.


UT2004 Object >> Actor >> NavigationPoint >> JumpDest >> JumpSpot >> GameObjective >> DestroyableObjective >> ONSPowerCore >> ONSPowerNode >> ONSPowerNodeNeutral >> ONSPowerNodeSpecial (custom)

This is a modified Onslaught power node with several additional features.


Type: bool

Whether the energy sphere should hold on to a link beam, similar to vehicles.


Type: bool

If this is enabled and the power node has a direct connection to one (but not the other) power core, then it will become a "prime node", i.e. is active for the power core's team at the start of the round. The power node will act as usual if it is either directly connected to both power cores or only has an indirect connection to any power core.


Type: bool

If this is enabled and the power node is not connected to any other power nodes or cores, it will not disable itself. Instead it can be taken and attacked by both teams.


Type: array<name>

A list of actor names that should be associated with this node and not any other node or core. Any PlayerStart, ONSVehicleFactory, ONSStationaryWeaponPawn, ONSTeleportPad and xTeamBanner with a matching name or Tag will be affected.


Type: int

How much damage this node takes while it is isolated.


Type: float

Specifies, how efficiently the Link Gun can heal this node.


Type: int

How much health the node initially has.


Type: float

How high above the node the energy sphere should be.