What happens at map startup
The information in this article are based on a snippet of native UT2004 code posted by Steve Polge on Epic Game's ut2003mods mailing list. The code can be found as UnGame.cpp in the Engine\Src directory of the UT2004 UnrealScript source code download.
The actual UnGame.cpp snippet
The following is a copy of the code snippet this article is based on. This particular piece of code is executed after a new map has been loaded and before the local player enters the game or any replication kicks in. Keep in mind that much of the initialization also happens at the UnrealScript level, so for a complete picture you should have the UT2004 sources ready and browse to the relevant UnrealScript functions.
Hints for reading the code
A few things that will help understanding the code even if you're not into C++:
- The
operator does the same as the dot does in UnrealScript - it accessed variables or functions of an object. GLevel
is a Level object. In UnrealScript this object is referenced by the XLevel property of any Actor.GLevel->GetLevelInfo()
returns the actual LevelInfo object. TheInfo
property also points to the LevelInfo.- Variables in UnrealScript objects have the same name in C++. For example
refers to a variable you'd access asLevel.bBegunPlay
in UnrealScript code. - The LevelInfo's
acts as general gate to UnrealScript execution. During map load it is 0 (False), so no UnrealScript code will be executed until it is set to 1 (True) in this code snippet. - UnrealScript functions declared with the event keyword are called from C++ via
, for exampleeventPreBeginPlay
calls the PreBeginPlay() function. - Dynamic arrays have a slightly different syntax in native code. They are declared as
, their length is returned viaarray.Num()
and individual elements are accessed via round parentheses instead of square brackets.array.Empty()
does whataray.Length = 0;
would do in UnrealScript. GLevel->IsServer()
basically returns the same as(Level.NetMode != NM_Client)
in UnrealScript. SimilarlyGIsClient
basically returns the same asLevel.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer
in UnrealScript.- The
array is the same list that the AllActors iterator traverses in UnrealScript. - The native class name of Actor subclasses is prefixed with an A, the native name of non-Actor classes with a U and the native name of structs with an F, for example APhysicsVolume, UKarmaParams or FVector.
- Name literals do not exist. Instead, the values of all natively-used names are hard-coded as
, for example NAME_None for 'None'. - Class literals do exist, but look very different from UnrealScript. They are expressed as
. bScriptInitialized
is an Actor property that is set to True in the actually points to an object, similar to the UnrealScript codeif (someObjectReference' != None)
.- Values for bool variables are 0 and 1, not False and True.
corresponds to UnrealScript's.default.
syntax for accessing the default variable values of a class.
General notes about this code snippet
- When running as a (listen and dedicated) server, actors mentioned in the [Engine.GameEngine] ServerActors list in the main INI file (e.g. UnrealTournament.ini, UT2004.ini or UTEngine.ini) are created before this code is executed. UnrealScript execution is not yet enabled at that point, so these actors are initialized like any other actor already in the map.
- Players do not exist while this code is executed. Any (local or remote) players join "much" later.
Notes for Unreal Engine 1
- The
variable does not exist in Unreal Engine 1, so unlike in later engine generations actors spawned during initialization may receive *BeginPlay() calls twice. - Unreal Engine 1 does not have volumes or Karma physics, so these parts of the code here do not apply.
Notes for Unreal Engine 3
- The Actor's Level variable and the LevelInfo class are both called WorldInfo in Unreal Engine 3.
- The BeginPlay() and PostNetBeginPlay() functions have been removed, with PostBeginPlay() now taking PostNetBeginPlay()'s role.
- Unreal Engine 3 does not use zones, so the related parts of the code here do not apply.
- Initialization of levels streamed in at runtime is not covered by this article.
- Kismet initialization is not covered in this article. (More research is required on this.)
The code
UnGame.cpp: Unreal game engine.
Copyright 1997-2003 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
GLevel->iFirstDynamicActor = 0;
if( !Info->bBegunPlay )
appResetTimer(); // sjs
// fix up level problems
// Update draw distance.
if (GIsClient)
GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->UpdateDistanceFogLOD( Client->DrawDistanceLOD );
// Lock the level.
debugf( NAME_Log, TEXT("Bringing %s up for play (%i) appSeconds: %f..."), GLevel->GetFullName(), appRound(GetMaxTickRate()), appSeconds() ); // sjs
GLevel->FinishedPrecaching = 0;
GLevel->TimeSeconds = 0;
GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->TimeSeconds = 0;
GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetDefaultPhysicsVolume()->bNoDelete = true;
// Kill off actors that aren't interesting to the client.
if( !GLevel->IsServer() )
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
AActor* Actor = GLevel->Actors(i);
if( Actor )
if( Actor->bStatic || Actor->bNoDelete || Actor->IsA(AxEmitter::StaticClass()) )
if ( !Actor->bClientAuthoritative )
Exchange( Actor->Role, Actor->RemoteRole );
GLevel->DestroyActor( Actor );
// Init touching actors & clear LastRenderTime
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) )
GLevel->Actors(i)->LastRenderTime = 0.f;
GLevel->Actors(i)->PhysicsVolume = GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetDefaultPhysicsVolume();
// Init scripting.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) )
// Enable actor script calls.
Info->bBegunPlay = 1;
Info->bStartup = 1;
Info->TimeDilation = ((ALevelInfo *)(Info->GetClass()->GetDefaultActor()))->TimeDilation;
if(!GIsEditor && !GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->bKNoInit)
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) )
KInitActorKarma( GLevel->Actors(i) );
// Init the game.
if( Info->Game )
Info->Game->eventInitGame( Options, Error );
// Send PreBeginPlay.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
// Set BeginPlay.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
// Set zones && gather volumes.
TArray<AVolume*> LevelVolumes;
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
GLevel->Actors(i)->SetZone( 1, 1 );
AVolume* Volume = Cast<AVolume>(GLevel->Actors(i));
if( Volume )
// Set appropriate volumes for each actor.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
GLevel->Actors(i)->SetVolumes( LevelVolumes );
// Post begin play.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
// Post net begin play.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
// Begin scripting.
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) && !GLevel->Actors(i)->bScriptInitialized )
// Find bases
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i) )
if ( GLevel->Actors(i)->AttachTag != NAME_None )
//find actor to attach self onto
for( INT j=0; j<GLevel->Actors.Num(); j++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(j)
&& ((GLevel->Actors(j)->Tag == GLevel->Actors(i)->AttachTag) || (GLevel->Actors(j)->GetFName() == GLevel->Actors(i)->AttachTag)) )
GLevel->Actors(i)->SetBase(GLevel->Actors(j), FVector(0,0,1), 0);
else if( GLevel->Actors(i)->bCollideWorld && GLevel->Actors(i)->bShouldBaseAtStartup
&& ((GLevel->Actors(i)->Physics == PHYS_None) || (GLevel->Actors(i)->Physics == PHYS_Rotating)) )
for( INT i=0; i<GLevel->Actors.Num(); i++ )
if( GLevel->Actors(i)->IsA(AProjector::StaticClass())) // sjs - why is this needed?!!
AActor* actor = GLevel->Actors(i);
if(actor->Physics != PHYS_Karma || !actor->KParams || !actor->KParams->IsA(UKarmaParams::StaticClass()))
UKarmaParams* kparams = Cast<UKarmaParams>(actor->KParams);
// If running below HighDetailPhysics, turn off karma dynamics for actors with bHighDetailOnly set true.
if( GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->PhysicsDetailLevel < PDL_High && kparams->bHighDetailOnly )
// If dedicated server, turn off karma for actors with bHighDetailOnly or bClientsOnly
if( GLevel->GetLevelInfo()->NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer && (kparams->bHighDetailOnly || kparams->bClientOnly) )
Info->bStartup = 0;