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This custom actor really duplicates much of the functionality of the ONSVehicleFactory subclasses, but the big feature is that nearly any vehicle class can be spawned. Although this actor cannot display the selected vehicle class in the editor, it does offer added controls that mappers for VCTF or other vehicle gametypes might want.


  • The ability to spawn random vehicles from a list of vehicle classes
  • The ability to spawn nearly any vehicle class in gametypes that allow vehicles
  • The ability to trigger PreSpawn and (Post)Spawn events
  • The option to allow the vehicle to spawn over and crush other actors
  • The option to use this as either a triggerable or an automatic (timed) vehicle factory.
  • Greater control over spawn timing


  • If you use a TeamVehicleFactory "as is" in your custom map, please credit me in the readme file of the map. (SuperApe)
  • You have to supply spawning effects and sounds, via ScriptedTrigger, Emitter and the like. This is meant to allow flexibilty in the ways you want vehicles to spawn. An example VCTF map posted on this UP Forum thread gives my suggestion for spawning particles and sound. (It appears similar to pickup spawning.)
  • With bAutoSpawn on and without a PreSpawnTime of around 2 seconds, you run the risk of spawning a vehicle before headlights can be properly spawned at map start. Subsequent vehicles after map start will spawn headlights normally.
  • Turrets that are spawned automatically get an AIController. They are auto turrets; firing at enemies, or if set to neutral (team 255), firing at any non-neutral controlled pawn it detects.
  • The AS Spacefighters are spawned with a minimum velocity that makes them impractical to use. However, a custom launcher for these is easy to make with a TryToDrive() function.
  • This has a slightly larger bBlocked check radius than ONSVehicleFactory. ( 1.33 : 1.25 )



int TeamNum
Team Number to be set on spawn. 0= red, 1= blue, 255= neutral / none
bool bPlayerControl
Only player instigators can trigger.
bool bAutoSpawn
Will spawn at regular intervals. The triggering ability is disabled.
int RespawnTime
Interval to wait before AutoSpawning.
name PreSpawnEvent
Event to trigger before spawn.
int PreSpawnTime
Time before spawn to trigger event. Will begin event this many seconds before the factory is set to AutoSpawn.
name SpawnEvent
Event to trigger after spawn. A post spawn event.
bool bCrushable
Allow spawning over colliding actors. Note: Turrets will normally spawn in collision with other actors, spawned vehicles will generally move out of the way.
int RetrySpawnTime
Interval to wait if bBlocked.
bool bRandomFlip
Neutral vehicles may face backwards.
bool bRandomSpawn
Will spawn random vehicle class.
struct class<Vehicle> SpawnedVehicle
Selected random vehicle class.
array<SpawnedVehicle> RandomVehicles
List for random vehicle spawn.


bool bWaiting
Waiting to spawn.
int FactoryTime
Time last spawn. (in Level.TimeSeconds)
bool bPreSpawn
Should trigger PreSpawnEvent next.


UE2 Actor >> SVehicleFactory >> TeamVehicleFactory (custom)

<uscript> //================================================================================== // TeamVehicleFactory. // Spawn any Vehicle or Turret, set Team, pre & post spawn Events, timing, and more. // Glenn 'SuperApe' Storm -- June 2004 -- Updated: July 2005 //================================================================================== class TeamVehicleFactory extends SVehicleFactory


var() int TeamNum; // 0= red, 1= blue, 255= neutral / none var() bool bPlayerControl; // Only player instigators can trigger

var() bool bAutoSpawn; // Will spawn at regular intervals var() int RespawnTime; // Interval to wait before AutoSpawning

var bool bWaiting; // About to spawn var int FactoryTime; // Time last spawn

var() name PreSpawnEvent; // Event to trigger before spawn var() int PreSpawnTime; // Time before spawn to trigger event var bool bPreSpawn; // Should trigger PreSpawnEvent next var() name SpawnEvent; // Event to trigger after spawn

var() bool bCrushable; // Allow spawning over colliding actors var() int RetrySpawnTime; // Interval to wait if bBlocked

var() bool bRandomFlip; // Neutral vehicles may face backwards

var() bool bRandomSpawn; // Spawn random vehicle class

struct SpawnedVehicle {

    var() class<Vehicle> SpawnVehicle; // Selected random vehicle class

}; var() array<SpawnedVehicle> RandomVehicles; // List for random vehicle spawn

simulated function PostBeginPlay() {


    if ( bAutoSpawn )
         bWaiting = true;
         bPreSpawn = true;
         if ( RespawnTime > 0 )
              FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - RespawnTime + PreSpawnTime;
              FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - PreSpawnTime;


simulated event Trigger( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator ) {

    if ( bAutoSpawn )
         // bAutoSpawn overrides Trigger

    if ( !EventInstigator.IsA('UnrealPawn') && bPlayerControl )

    if ( VehicleCount >= MaxVehicleCount )

    if ( VehicleClass == None || ( bRandomSpawn && RandomVehicles.length > 0 ) )
         Log("TeamVehicleFactory:"@self@"has no VehicleClass");

    bWaiting = true;
    bPreSpawn = true;
    if ( RespawnTime > 0 )
         FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - RespawnTime + PreSpawnTime;
         FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - PreSpawnTime;


simulated function SpawnItNow() {

    local  Vehicle         CreatedVehicle;
    local  bool           bBlocked;
    local  Pawn              P;
    local  float          SV;

    bBlocked = false;

    if ( VehicleClass != None || ( bRandomSpawn && RandomVehicles.length > 0 ) )
         if ( bRandomSpawn && RandomVehicles.length > 0 )
              VehicleClass = RandomVehicles[ int( FRand() * RandomVehicles.length ) ].SpawnVehicle;
         foreach CollidingActors(class'Pawn', P, VehicleClass.default.CollisionRadius * 1.33)
              bBlocked = true;
         Log("TeamVehicleFactory:"@self@"has no VehicleClass");

    if ( bBlocked && !bCrushable )
         bWaiting = true;
         bPreSpawn = true;
         if ( RespawnTime > 0 )
              FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - RespawnTime + RetrySpawnTime + PreSpawnTime;
              FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds - RetrySpawnTime + PreSpawnTime;
         if ( TeamNum == 255 )
              if ( bRandomFlip && Rand(2) == 1 )
                   CreatedVehicle = spawn(VehicleClass, , , Location, Rotation + rot(0,32768,0));
              CreatedVehicle = spawn(VehicleClass, , , Location, Rotation);
              // Unlock neutral vehicles
              CreatedVehicle.bTeamLocked = false;
         CreatedVehicle = spawn(VehicleClass, , , Location, Rotation);
         if ( CreatedVehicle != None )
              CreatedVehicle.Event = Tag;
              CreatedVehicle.ParentFactory = self;
              TriggerEvent(SpawnEvent, self, None);


event VehicleDestroyed(Vehicle V) {


    if ( bAutoSpawn )
         bWaiting = true;
         bPreSpawn = true;
         FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds;


simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) {

    if ( bWaiting )
         if ( Level.TimeSeconds - FactoryTime < RespawnTime - PreSpawnTime )

         if ( VehicleCount < MaxVehicleCount )
                   if ( !bPreSpawn )
                        if ( Level.TimeSeconds - FactoryTime >= RespawnTime )
                             bWaiting = false;
                             FactoryTime = Level.TimeSeconds;
                        bPreSpawn = false;
                        TriggerEvent(PreSpawnEvent, self, None);

} </uscript>

External Links

  • Mapping for VCTF – A thread on UnrealPlayground that includes a test map using this actor and suggested spawn EFX.

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