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From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site

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    • This section contains links to per-class pages that define events. Although the code that handles an event can be overridden by any subclass Please note that this section of the Wiki tree is intended for ''events only'', not all method definitions. The goal is to separate out a document ...
      7 KB (1,222 words) - 23:15, 5 October 2010
    • ==Entry Points: Engine.[[Legacy:Actor|Actor]]== Here are the known entry points defined for the base Actor class. They may or may not be handled by defaul ...
      7 KB (975 words) - 12:58, 19 April 2006
    • ''This page is one of a series of [[Legacy:UnrealScript Lessons|UnrealScript Lessons]].'' * You've set up your environment: [[Legacy:Setting Up UnrealScript|Setting Up UnrealScript]] ...
      19 KB (3,224 words) - 12:15, 28 April 2016
    • The ''New'' keyword is used to create new [[Legacy:Object|object]]s which are not a subclass of [[Legacy:Actor|Actor]]. and the object's flags. Being one of the [[Legacy:UnrealScript Keywords|UnrealScript keywords]] rather than a function, there is no definition for New, but here ...
      14 KB (2,234 words) - 16:13, 21 December 2012
    • * Functions in object classes not derived from Actor are not affected by network roles and thus w the context of a class (as opposed to the context of an actor or other object), which means they are not affected by network roles and thus will always e ...
      22 KB (3,577 words) - 03:18, 18 July 2009
    • | parent3 = Object ...ue?", asked the programmer. In fact, this variable is used nowhere else in UnrealScript. ...
      21 KB (2,554 words) - 10:53, 15 June 2010
    • ===PART I - Engine Classes defined in UnrealScript=== :::An actor’s event is triggered for the following events: ...
      20 KB (2,974 words) - 15:24, 6 July 2007
    • ...:Terminology/Style|Terminology Style Guide]]. Also please don't add random UnrealScript variable names to this page, it's not intended for that. (Use the [[Legacy: ...sage, meaning that code attempted to retrieve or alter data via an invalid object reference (also see [[Legacy:Log Warnings|Log Warnings]]) ...
      28 KB (4,193 words) - 09:25, 17 June 2007
    • ...loat NewTimerRate, bool bLoop) : If bLoop is true, causes <tt>Timer()</tt> events every NewTimerRate seconds. Otherwise, causes <tt>Timer()</tt> to be called ...eStart) : Returns ''True'' when there is no world geometry between the two points. The actor's location is used as start if no ''TraceStart'' is specified. ...
      18 KB (2,644 words) - 12:49, 2 May 2022
    • ...n and looked at the nuts and bolts of it &ndash; the [[Legacy:UnrealScript|UnrealScript]] keywords and variables that are involved &ndash; then there is a very goo ...orrect key to open a door, if yes, issue the open-door-command on the door object) the server can decide everything by itself only. ...
      24 KB (4,071 words) - 19:02, 31 January 2016
    • ...e switch actor or in Kismet by linking the corresponding '''Jail Status''' events to the ''Jails'' connector of the release switch's [[#Release|Release]] eve ...d for which team. For this to work, the mapper needs to specify navigation points that act as jail exits via the ''Jail Doors'' connector of the '''Jail Stat ...
      31 KB (4,957 words) - 12:05, 15 November 2009
    • Incidentally I dug out the code I scratched in the first entry on this page and used it for a related, but different purpose where it actu ...osition updates and interpolates between the ''last two'' replicated known points (and beyond if the next update isn't received in time) might yield smooth a ...
      92 KB (15,242 words) - 06:57, 3 December 2009