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- Here you will find (I hope so) all info about the so much changed UT2003 firing system. * [[:{{SUBJECTSPACE}}:{{BASEPAGENAME}}/Firing A Weapon]] ...496 bytes (59 words) - 02:00, 7 April 2006
- MiceMenGrav: A Mutator Tutorial for [[Legacy:UT2003|UT2003]]. ...knowledge of UnrealScript and should be able to make a basic mutator. This tutorial will help the reader understand potential uses for the following classes: ...11 KB (1,701 words) - 09:30, 30 August 2005
- ...] :: [[Legacy:Actor (UT)|Actor (UT)]] >> [[Legacy:Info (UT)|Info (UT)]] >> Mutator (Package: Engine)}} For an overview of how the Mutator system, see [[Legacy:Mutator Topics|Mutator Topics]]. ...10 KB (1,366 words) - 09:47, 25 October 2005
- ...If you don’t met one of these requisites you'd better read the respective tutorial and come back later. If you want to read more advanced code, go read the weapon source located in XWeapons/. There is everything that has to do with weapon ...7 KB (1,273 words) - 16:40, 4 December 2005
- ...T2003|UT2003]] as well, I don't have that in mind while writing this. This tutorial assumes you have completed the following initial steps. '''They included in the game a module named [[Legacy:Mutator (UT)|Mutator (UT)]] and it is intended for this purpose.''' This is by no means anywhere ...8 KB (1,436 words) - 02:05, 7 April 2006
- at [[Legacy:Weapon Mutator Tutorial (UT2003)|Weapon Mutator Tutorial (UT2003)]]. This version has been refactored and updated for UT2004.'' ==A Weapon Mutator – Making a more explosive Minigun== ...16 KB (2,168 words) - 06:43, 12 June 2010
- ...Max Weapon Modeling And Import|3D Studio Max Weapon Modeling And Import]] tutorial ends. Once you have the *.3ds files ready (from the above tutorial) place them all into a new empty directory. Copy the 3ds2unr.exe file into ...12 KB (2,066 words) - 15:22, 2 November 2005
-" as well.<i>(You can do so many things with .int files, we could make a tutorial just for them – Wormbo)</i> Object lines that belong together; for mutators, that'd be <code>Engine.Mutator</code>, for instance. (This class name is used as GetNextIntDesc's first p ...12 KB (1,794 words) - 02:44, 10 June 2011
- # [[Legacy:UT3 Hello World|UT3 Hello World]] – First Mutator in UT3 # [[Legacy:MutTutorial|MutTutorial]] – A simple player jump boost mutator. ...24 KB (3,914 words) - 23:38, 30 July 2014
- Updated to reflect UT2003 paradigm. weren't explained, as they were so obviously basic knowledge, that most tutorial authors assumed that you would already know them. But to someone like me, ...18 KB (3,030 words) - 00:15, 6 January 2006
- Object=(Name=TestPak,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Weapon) Don't forget to add it to the <code>ut2003.ini</code> file: ...8 KB (1,399 words) - 13:58, 16 December 2005
- ...Unreal Tournament|Unreal Tournament]] for an Embedded Mutator Tutorial for UT2003/04, see [[Legacy:Embedding Code|Embedding Code]]. ...ance gameplay in UT. Mutators can alter many elements of a game including weapon assortment, player characteristics, level parameters, scoring, messaging, a ...31 KB (4,333 words) - 02:19, 7 July 2011