UE2:UT2K4GameProfile structs (UT2004)

From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
(Redirected from UE2:BotStatsRecord (UT2004))

;Other member categories for this class::



Statistics for each bot in this profile. Saved per profile because they change during the tournament

string Name
int Price
updated price to 'buy' the player, this is also used to calculate the fee and injury treatment
byte Health
injury stats, 0 = dead (you don't want that ;))
bool FreeAgent
is this a free agent, e.g. can you hire him/her
int TeamId
location of his team in the TeamStats list


information about a custom ladder

string LadderClass
the fully qualified name to the ladder class
int progress
current progress


int Date[3]
int Time[2]
string MatchData
magic string, fields seperated by ';'

field 1: match type (Ladder game, challenge game, custom ladder game)
field 2: match description

string MatchExtra
additional data, depends on the MatchData type
string Level
map name
string GameType
gametype class, fully qualified
string EnemyTeam
enemy team class, fully qualified
float PriceMoney
price money
float BalanceChange
balance change
float BonusMoney
bonus money won
float GameTime
game time
bool WonGame
float TeamScore[2]
team scores, 1 = our team, 0 = enemy team
bool TeamGame
gee, what would this be then
string TeamLayout[2]
team layout
float MyScore
player's score in this game
int MyKills
number of kills
int MyDeaths
number of deaths
string MyAwards
my awards
byte MyRating
final position in the scoring table


map selection record, this will override the default behavior of map selection for a match

byte ladder
the selected ladder
byte rung
match in the selected ladder
byte selection
the offset in the AltLevel array


int BotId
int Payment


int Team1
team id in the team stats array
int Team2
float ScoreTeam1
float ScoreTeam2
int LadderId
int MatchId
float GameTime


player details from the last match

int ID
string Name
float Kills
float Score
float Deaths
int Team
array<string> SpecialAwards
special awards won by this player, like Flag Monkey


int BotID
float Rank


team roster override record

string name
fully qualified name of the team roster class
array<string> roster
the alternative roster


Stats for each team

string Name
the fully qualified name of the team class
int Level
the difficulty level of this team
int Matches
number of games played against this team
int Won
number of games this team won from you
float Rating
the rating of this team compared to you