UE2:CrosshairPack (UT2004)

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(Redirected from UE2:CrosshairItem (UT2004))
UT2004 Object >> CrosshairPack
Direct subclasses:
DefaultCrosshairs, ONSCrosshairs

Base class for custom crosshair texture packs.

In order for your custom crosshair texture packages to appear in the game, you must export the crosshairs to cache files. This happens automatically when you compile the CrosshairPack subclass, but can also be done manually using the 'exportcache' commandlet. Textures for custom crosshair packs should reside in a separate texture package so players don't get into trouble because they loaded an unknown class, the custom CrosshairPack subclass. The general idea of this class is to automatically create cache file entries at compile-time, it isn't actually used or even loaded at runtime.


Property group 'CrosshairPack'


Type: array<CrosshairItem>

Modifiers: const, protected, cache

The list of crosshairs in the crosshair pack. These will be exported to a cache file (.UCL) when compiling the package or running the ExportCacheCommandlet.



Modifiers: native

Holds the texture reference and the display name of a crosshair.

string FriendlyName
The name of a crosshair which will be displayed in the drop-down list of crosshairs.
Texture CrosshairTexture
The texture used for the crosshair. Note that you can only use Texture materials, no material modifiers.

See also