UE2:Object structs (UT2004)

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(Redirected from UE2:Rotator (UT2004))
UT2004 Object (structs)
Object structs in other games:
Other member categories for this class:



Extends: Box

A combination of an axis-aligned bounding box and a bounding sphere.

Plane Sphere
The bounding sphere.


An axis-aligned bounding box.

Vector Min
Vector Max
byte IsValid
Whether this bounding box is valid (1) or not (0).


Main article: Color

An RGB color with alpha (opacity) value.

byte B
Blue color component.
byte G
Green color component.
byte R
Red color component.
byte A
Alpha value.


A combined player movement state with special handling during replication.

Vector Location
Player location.
Rotator Rotation
Player rotation, Roll component is not replicated.
Vector Velocity
Player velocity.


A coordinate system. Usually the X, Y and Z axes are perpendicular to each other so that in the coordinate system X faces forward, Y faces right and Z faces up.

Vector Origin
The origin of this coordinate system in global coordinates.
Vector XAxis
The coordinate system's X axis.
Vector YAxis
The coordinate system's Y axis.
Vector ZAxis
The coordinate system's Z axis.


float X1
float Y1
float X2
float Y2


int A
int B
int C
int D


int X1
int Y1
int X2
int Y2


array<InterpCurvePoint> Points


float InVal
float OutVal


A 4x4 matrix.

Plane XPlane
Plane YPlane
Plane ZPlane
Plane WPlane


Extends: Vector

Describes a plane using X/Y/Z as normal vector and W as distance from origin or a sphere using X/Y/Z as center location and W as radius. Note that components are rounded for replication, so Plane values actually describing a plane may need their X/Y/Z values multiplied by a larger value prior to replication, similar to vectors.

float W


Main article: Quaternion

A quaternion.

float X
The i component of the quaternion.
float Y
The j component of the quaternion.
float Z
The k component of the quaternion.
float W
The real component of the quaternion.


A range of float values.

float Min
Lower bound of the range.
float Max
Upper bound of the range.


A 3D vector of ranges.

Range X
Range of X values.
Range Y
Range of Y values.
Range Z
Range of Z values.


Main article: Rotator

A 3D rotation value. Components are applied in the order Yaw, Pitch, Roll.

int Pitch
The pitch component. (think nodding for "yes")
int Yaw
The yaw component. (think shaking the head for "no")
int Roll
The roll component. (think tilting your head left and right for "not sure")


Vector Scale
float SheerRate
ESheerAxis SheerAxis


A "mirror struct" for native multi-map properties. Maps are not available in UnrealScript.

pointer FArray_Data
int FArray_ArrayNum
int FArray_ArrayMax
pointer TMapBase_Hash
int TMapBase_HashCount


Main article: Vector

A 3D vector value.

float X
The vector's X component.
float Y
The vector's Y component.
float Z
The vector's Z component.