UE3:UTVehicle structs (UDK)
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(Redirected from UE3:BurnOutDatum (UDK))
- UTVehicle structs in other games:
- Other member categories for this class:
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Modifiers: native
- MaterialInstanceTimeVarying MITV
- float CurrValue
- We need to store the value of the MIC set param on a per material basis as we have some MICs where are
vastly different than the others.
Modifiers: native
Modifiers: native
Damage Morphing
- name MorphNodeName
- These are used to reference the MorphNode that is represented by this struct
- MorphNodeWeight MorphNode
- Link to the actual node
- name LinkedMorphNodeName
- These are used to reference the next node if this is at 0 health. It can be none
- int LinkedMorphNodeIndex
- Actual Node pointed to by LinkMorphNodeName
- name InfluenceBone
- This holds the bone that influences this node
- int Health
- This is the current health of the node. If it reaches 0, then we should pass damage to the linked node
- array<name> DamagePropNames
- Holds the name of the Damage Material Scalar property to adjust when it takes damage
Default values:
Property | Value |
Health | 1 |
Modifiers: native
team specific materials to apply when spawning in
- array<MaterialInterface> Materials
Modifiers: native
Saved Camera positions (for lagging camera)
- Object.Vector Position
- float Time
Modifiers: native
- name AnimTag
- Used to look up the animation
- array<name> AnimSeqs
- Animation Sequence sets to play
- float AnimRate
- Rate to play it at
- bool bAnimLoopLastSeq
- Does it loop
- name AnimPlayerName
- The name of the UTAnimNodeSequence to use
Modifiers: native
Holds the needed data to create various effects that respond to different actions on the vehicle
- name EffectStartTag
- Tag used to trigger the effect
- name EffectEndTag
- Tag used to kill the effect
- bool bRestartRunning
- If true should restart running effects, if false will just keep running
- bool bHighDetailOnly
- ParticleSystem EffectTemplate
- Template to use
- ParticleSystem EffectTemplate_Blue
- Template to use for the blue team (may or may not be one)
- name EffectSocket
- Socket to attach to
- ParticleSystemComponent EffectRef
- The Actual PSC
Default values:
Property | Value |
bRestartRunning | False |
Modifiers: native
The VehicleSeat struct defines each available seat in the vehicle.
- Pawn StoragePawn
- Who is sitting in this seat.
- Vehicle SeatPawn
- Reference to the WeaponPawn if any
- class<UTVehicleWeapon> GunClass
- class of weapon for this seat
- UTVehicleWeapon Gun
- Reference to the gun
- array<name> GunSocket
- Name of the socket to use for effects/spawning
- array<name> GunPivotPoints
- Where to pivot the weapon
- int BarrelIndex
- string TurretVarPrefix
- This is the prefix for the various weapon vars (WeaponRotation, FlashCount, etc)
- array<WeaponEffectInfo> WeaponEffects
- list of locations for weapon bonus effects (UDamage, etc) and the component references if those effects are active
- name WeaponRotationName
- Cached names for this turret
- name FlashLocationName
- name FlashCountName
- name FiringModeName
- pointer WeaponRotationProperty
- Cache pointers to the actual UProperty that is needed
- pointer FlashLocationProperty
- pointer FlashCountProperty
- pointer FiringModeProperty
- Object.Rotator LastWeaponRotation
- Holds a duplicate of the WeaponRotation value. It's used to determine if a turret is turning
- array<name> TurretControls
- This holds all associated TurretInfos for this seat
- array<UTSkelControl_TurretConstrained> TurretControllers
- Hold the actual controllers
- Object.Vector AimPoint
- Cached in ApplyWeaponRotation, this is the vector in the world where the player is currently aiming
- Actor AimTarget
- Cached in ApplyWeaponRotation, this is the actor the seat is currently aiming at (can be none)
- float PivotFireOffsetZ
- Z distance between weapon pivot and actual firing location - used to correct aiming rotation.
- bool bDisableOffsetZAdjust
- Disable adjustment to turret pitch based on PivotFireOffsetZ.
- name CameraTag
- Name of the Bone/Socket to base the camera on
- Object.Vector CameraBaseOffset
- Optional offset to add to the cameratag location, to determine base camera
- Object.Vector CameraSafeOffset
- Optional offset to add to the vehicle location, to determine safe trace start point
- float CameraOffset
- how far camera is pulled back
- float CameraEyeHeight
- The Eye Height for Weapon Pawns
- float ViewPitchMin
- Used for setting the ViewPitchMin on the Weapon pawn
- float ViewPitchMax
- Used for setting the ViewPitchMax on the Weapon pawn
- bool bSeatVisible
- Is this a visible Seat
- name SeatBone
- Name of the Bone to use as an anchor for the pawn
- Object.Vector SeatOffset
- Offset from the origin to place the based pawn
- Object.Rotator SeatRotation
- Any additional rotation needed when placing the based pawn
- name SeatSocket
- Name of the Socket to attach to
- class<UTExplosionLight> MuzzleFlashLightClass
- UTExplosionLight MuzzleFlashLight
- class<UTExplosionLight> ImpactFlashLightClass
- float DriverDamageMult
- damage to the driver is multiplied by this value
- AudioComponent SeatMotionAudio
- The sound to play when this seat is in motion (ie: turning)
- VehicleMovementEffect SeatMovementEffect
- Object.Vector2D SeatIconPOS
Modifiers: native
- name SoundStartTag
- name SoundEndTag
- SoundCue SoundTemplate
- AudioComponent SoundRef
Modifiers: native
info on locations for weapon bonus effects (UDamage, etc)
- name SocketName
- socket to base on
- Object.Vector Offset
- offset from the socket to place the effect
- Object.Vector Scale3D
- Scaling for the effect
- StaticMeshComponent Effect
- reference to the component
Default values:
Property | Value | ||||||||
Scale3D |