UE3:OnlineSubsystem structs (UDK)
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Object >> OnlineSubsystem (structs) |
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Modifiers: native
Holds the information contained in Live's achievements for this title
- int Id
- The ID of the achievement
- string AchievementName
- The name of the achievement
- string Description
- The description of the achievement
- string HowTo
- The description of how to meet the requirements of the achievement
- Surface Image
- The image associated with the achievement
- int GamerPoints
- How much this achievement is worth
- bool bIsSecret
- Whether the achievement is secret (hidden if not achieved) or not
- bool bWasAchievedOnline
- Whether the achievement awarded online or not
- bool bWasAchievedOffline
- Whether the achievement awarded offline or not
Modifiers: native
Community file info
- int ContentId
- Unique identifier for this content file
- int FileId
- Additional identifier for providers that need it
- int ContentType
- Game specific content type field
- int FileSize
- Size in bytes of the payload in the file
- UniqueNetId Owner
- The original owner of the file
- int DownloadCount
- The number of times this file has been downloaded
- float AverageRating
- The average rating for this file from the community
- int RatingCount
- The number of times this file has been rated
- int LastRatingGiven
- The last rating the user gave this content
- string LocalFilePath
- The path to the file if stored locally
Modifiers: native
Community file metadata
- int ContentType
- Unique identifier for this content type
- array<Settings.SettingsProperty> MetadataItems
- Metadata to associate with the file
Modifiers: native
Used to bulk query the friends list
- UniqueNetId UniqueId
- The unique player id to check friends status for
- bool bIsFriend
- Out param indicating whether the player is a friend or not
Modifiers: native
Information about a local talker
- bool bHasVoice
- Whether this talker is currently registered
- bool bHasNetworkedVoice
- Whether the talker should send network data
- bool bIsRecognizingSpeech
- Whether the player is trying to speak voice commands
- bool bWasTalking
- Whether the local talker was speaking last frame
- bool bIsTalking
- Whether the remote talker is speaking this frame
- bool bIsRegistered
- Whether this player was already registered with the voice interface or not
Modifiers: native
Holds a named object interface for dynamically bound interfaces
- name InterfaceName
- The name to bind this object to
- Object InterfaceObject
- The object to store at this location
Modifiers: native
Holds a name to class name mapping for adding the named interfaces automatically
- name InterfaceName
- The name to bind this object to
- string InterfaceClassName
- The class to load and create for the named interface
Modifiers: native
Holds the per session information for named sessions
- name SessionName
- The name of the session
- pointer{void} SessionInfo
- The platform specific session information
- OnlineGameSettings GameSettings
- The game settings associated with this session
- array<OnlineRegistrant> Registrants
- List of players registered in the session
- array<OnlineArbitrationRegistrant> ArbitrationRegistrants
- The set of registered players for arbitration
Extends: OnlineRegistrant
Modifiers: native
Struct holding the information about a single arbitration registrant
- Object.qword MachineId
- Unique id of the machine involved in the arbitrated session
- int Trustworthiness
- Trust level of the machine/player for the arbitrated session
Modifiers: native
Holds information about a single piece of downloaded content
- int UserIndex
- Optional user index that content is downloaded for (-1 means it's not associated with any user)
- string FriendlyName
- Displayable name of the content
- string ContentPath
- File system usable reference to the content
- array<string> ContentPackages
- List of packages in the content
- array<string> ContentFiles
- List of all non-package files in the content
Modifiers: native
Holds information about a player in a friends list
- UniqueNetId UniqueId
- Unique identifier of the friend
- Object.qword SessionId
- The session id that the player is in
- string NickName
- Player's nick as published to the online service
- string PresenceInfo
- String holding information about the player's game state (cap-ed flag, etc.)
- EOnlineFriendState FriendState
- The current state for this friend
- bool bIsOnline
- Whether the friend is online or not
- bool bIsPlaying
- Whether the friend is playing a game or not
- bool bIsPlayingThisGame
- Whether the friend is playing the same game or not
- bool bIsJoinable
- Whether the game the friend is in is joinable or not
- bool bHasVoiceSupport
- Whether the friend can chat via voice or not
- bool bHaveInvited
- Whether the friends has an invitation outstanding from you or not
- bool bHasInvitedYou
- Whether the friends has sent an invite to you or not
Modifiers: native
Holds the data used in a friend message
- UniqueNetId SendingPlayerId
- The player that is sending the message
- string SendingPlayerNick
- The nick name of the player that sent the message
- bool bIsFriendInvite
- Whether this is a friend invite or just a generic message
- bool bIsGameInvite
- Whether this message is a game invite or not
- bool bWasAccepted
- Whether the invite has been accepted or not
- bool bWasDenied
- Whether the invite has been denied or not
- string Message
- The corresponding message that was sent
Modifiers: native
Holds information about a player in a friends list
- UniqueNetId UniqueId
- Unique identifier of the friend
- string Nickname
- The player's nickname
- byte LocalUserNum
- The local controller id if local
- ENATType NatType
- The NAT type for this player
- int TitleId
- The title id of the title the player is in
- bool bIsLocal
- Whether the player is local to this machine or remote
- bool bIsInPartyVoice
- Whether the player is in party voice or game voice
- bool bIsTalking
- Whether the player is talking or not
- bool bIsInGameSession
- Whether the player is in a game session
- pointer{void} SessionInfo
- The platform specific session information
- Object.qword Data1
- The first 8 bytes of custom application data
- Object.qword Data2
- The second 8 bytes of custom application data
Modifiers: native
Struct holding information used when writing scoring information that is used to determine a player's skill rating
- UniqueNetId PlayerId
- The player that this score is for
- int TeamId
- The team that the player is on
- int Score
- The score for this player
Modifiers: native
A player in a session
- UniqueNetId PlayerNetId
- Unique id of the player involved in the arbitrated session
Modifiers: native
Information about a remote talker
- UniqueNetId TalkerId
- The unique id for this talker
- bool bWasTalking
- Whether the remote talker was speaking last frame
- bool bIsTalking
- Whether the remote talker is speaking this frame
- bool bIsRegistered
- Whether this player was already registered with the voice interface or not
Holds a word/phrase that was recognized by the speech analyzer
Note: See VoiceInterface.h to change the native layout of this struct
- int WordId
- The id of the word in the vocabulary
- string WordText
- the actual word
- float Confidence
- How confident the analyzer was in the recognition
Modifiers: native
Holds the data used in downloading a file asynchronously from the online service
- string Filename
- The name of the file as requested
- EOnlineEnumerationReadState AsyncState
- The async state the file download is in
- array<byte> Data
- The buffer of data for the file
Modifiers: native
Struct that holds a transient, unique identifier for a player
- Object.qword Uid
- The id used by the network to uniquely identify a player