UE3:UIDataStore_GameResource (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> UIRoot >> UIDataProvider >> UIDataStore >> UIDataStore_GameResource
Implemented interfaces:
Direct subclasses:
UTUIDataStore_MenuItems, UTUIDataStore_Options
This class in other games:

Game resource data stores provide access to available game resources, such as the available gametypes, maps, or mutators The data for each type of game resource is provided through a data provider and is specified in the .ini file for that data provider class type using the PerObjectConfig paradigm.

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Type: array<GameResourceDataProvider>

Modifiers: config

the list of data providers supported by this data store that correspond to list element data

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
ProviderClassName "Engine.UIGameInfoSummary"
ProviderTag 'GameTypes'

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
ProviderClassName "UTGame.UTUIDataProvider_KeyBinding"
ProviderTag 'KeyBindings'


Type: Object.MultiMap_Mirror{TMultiMap<FName,class UUIResourceDataProvider*>}

Modifiers: const, private, native, transient

collection of list element provider instances that are associated with each ElementProviderType

Default values

Property Value
Tag 'GameResources'



Modifiers: native

name ProviderTag
the tag that is used to access this provider, i.e. Players, Teams, etc.
string ProviderClassName
the name of the class associated with this data provider
class<UIResourceDataProvider> ProviderClass
the UIDataProvider class that exposes the data for this data field tag