UE3:MusicTrackDataStructures (UT3)

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(Redirected from UE3:MusicTrackStruct (UT3))
UT3 Object >> MusicTrackDataStructures
This class in other games:

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Modifiers: native

These are the parameters we can control on a track that is being faded in / out

float FadeInTime
Time taken for sound to fade in when action is activated.
float FadeInVolumeLevel
Volume the sound to should fade in to
float DelayBetweenOldAndNewTrack
Amount of delay between playing the new track
float FadeOutTime
Time take for sound to fade out when Stop input is fired.
float FadeOutVolumeLevel
Volume the sound to should fade out to

Default values:

Property Value
DelayBetweenOldAndNewTrack 0.0
FadeInTime 5.0
FadeInVolumeLevel 1.0
FadeOutTime 5.0
FadeOutVolumeLevel 0.0


Modifiers: native

MusicTrackParamStruct Params
name TrackType
which type this track is *
SoundCue TheSoundCue
The soundCue to play *
bool bAutoPlay
Controls whether or not the track is auto-played when it is attached to the scene.