UE3:UTCharInfo (UDK): Difference between revisions

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m 1 revision: class descriptions for UDK January update (part 7)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 30: Line 30:
| FavoriteWeapon
| FavoriteWeapon
| "UTGame.UTWeap_Stinger"
| "UTGameContent.UTWeap_RocketLauncher_Content"
| Jumpiness
| Jumpiness
Line 41: Line 41:
| 1.0
| 1.0
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 140: Line 137:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 178: Line 172:
| FavoriteWeapon
| FavoriteWeapon
| "UTGame.UTWeap_FlakCannon"
| "UTGame.UTWeap_LinkGun"
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 207: Line 198:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 234: Line 222:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 261: Line 246:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 288: Line 270:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 326: Line 305:
| FavoriteWeapon
| FavoriteWeapon
| "UTGame.UTWeap_Shockrifle"
| "UTGameContent.UTWeap_Shockrifle"
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 355: Line 331:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 382: Line 355:
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! {{tl|CharacterInfo|||Member}}
! Value
! Value
| bLocked
| True
| CharID
| CharID
Line 403: Line 373:
| PreviewImageMarkup
| PreviewImageMarkup
| "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"
| "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"
'''Type:''' [[array]]<{{tl|FactionInfo}}>
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' config
Array of top-level factions (eg Iron Guard).
'''Default value:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|FactionInfo|||Member}}
! Value
| Description
| "<Strings:UTGameUI.FactionData.Liandri_Description>"
| Faction
| "Liandri"
| FriendlyName
| "<Strings:UTGameUI.FactionData.Liandri_FriendlyName>"
| PreviewImageMarkup
| "<Images:UI_Portrait.Faction.UI_CH_Liandri_Team>"

Line 463: Line 408:

'''Default value:''' 0.075
'''Default value:''' 0.075
'''Type:''' {{tl|CharPortraitSetup}}
'''[[Variables#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' config
<!-- enter variable description -->
'''Default value:'''
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|CharPortraitSetup|||Member}}
! Value
| CamFOV
| 20.0
| CenterOnBone
| 'b_head'
| DirLight2Brightness
| 20.0
| DirLight2Color
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Color||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| A
| 0
| B
| 240
| G
| 180
| R
| 150
| DirLight2Rot
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Rotator||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| Pitch
| 57344
| Roll
| 0
| Yaw
| 40049
| DirLight3Brightness
| 1.0
| DirLight3Color
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Color||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| A
| 0
| B
| 255
| G
| 230
| R
| 255
| DirLight3Rot
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Rotator||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| Pitch
| 57344
| Roll
| 0
| Yaw
| 57344
| DirLightBrightness
| 2.0
| DirLightColor
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Color||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| A
| 0
| B
| 255
| G
| 255
| R
| 255
| DirLightRot
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Rotator||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| Pitch
| 57344
| Roll
| 0
| Yaw
| 9102
| MeshOffset
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 50.0
| Y
| 0.0
| Z
| -2.0
| MeshRot
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Rotator||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| Pitch
| 0
| Roll
| 0
| Yaw
| -36408
| PortraitBackgroundTranslation
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Vector||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| X
| 3000.0
| Y
| 0.0
| Z
| 0.0
| SkyBrightness
| 0.4
| SkyColor
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Color||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| A
| 0
| B
| 255
| G
| 222
| R
| 200
| SkyLowerBrightness
| 0.2
| SkyLowerColor
{| class="list defaults"
! {{tl|Color||Object structs|Member}}
! Value
| A
| 0
| B
| 200
| G
| 230
| R
| 255
| TextureSize
| 256
===Internal variables===
'''Type:''' {{cl|StaticMesh}}
StaticMesh to use for background of portrait.
'''Default value:''' {{cl|StaticMesh}}'UI_CharPortraits.Mesh.S_UI_CharPortraits_Cube'
'''Type:''' [[array]]<[[string]]>
Array used to map between bits stored in profile and unlocked chars.
'''Default value, index 0:''' "Lauren"
'''Default value, index 1:''' "Ariel"
'''Default value, index 2:''' "Scythe"
'''Default value, index 3:''' "Akasha"
'''Default value, index 4:''' "Alanna"
'''Default value, index 5:''' "Loque"
'''Default value, index 6:''' "Damian"
'''Default value, index 7:''' "Kragoth"
'''Default value, index 8:''' "Malakai"
'''Default value, index 9:''' "Matrix"

'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Structure defining a pre-made character in the game.
Structure defining a pre-made character in the game.
; [[string]] CharID : Short unique string .
; [[string]] CharID : Short unique string .
Line 737: Line 419:
; [[string]] Faction : Faction to which this character belongs (e.g. IronGuard).
; [[string]] Faction : Faction to which this character belongs (e.g. IronGuard).
; {{tl|CustomAIData}} AIData : AI personality
; {{tl|CustomAIData}} AIData : AI personality
; [[string]] ExtraInfo : any extra properties of this character (for mod use)
; [[bool]] bLocked : whether this character shows up in menus by default
; [[bool]] bRestrictInSinglePlayer : If true, this character will never be used for a random character in a single player game
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Structure defining setup for capturing character portrait bitmap.
; [[name]] CenterOnBone : Name of bone to center view on.
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} MeshOffset : Translation of mesh (applied on top of CenterOnBone alignment.
; {{tl|Rotator|Object|structs}} MeshRot : Rotation of mesh.
; [[float]] CamFOV : FOV of camera.
; {{tl|Rotator|Object|structs}} DirLightRot : Directional light rotation.
; [[float]] DirLightBrightness : Directional light brightness.
; {{tl|Color|Object|structs}} DirLightColor : Directional light color.
; {{tl|Rotator|Object|structs}} DirLight2Rot : Directional light rotation.
; [[float]] DirLight2Brightness : Directional light brightness.
; {{tl|Color|Object|structs}} DirLight2Color : Directional light color.
; {{tl|Rotator|Object|structs}} DirLight3Rot : Directional light rotation.
; [[float]] DirLight3Brightness : Directional light brightness.
; {{tl|Color|Object|structs}} DirLight3Color : Directional light color.
; [[float]] SkyBrightness : Skylight brightness.
; {{tl|Color|Object|structs}} SkyColor : Sky light color
; [[float]] SkyLowerBrightness : Sky lower brightness
; {{tl|Color|Object|structs}} SkyLowerColor : Sky lower colour
; {{tl|Vector|Object|structs}} PortraitBackgroundTranslation : Position of background mesh
; [[int]] TextureSize : Size of texture to render to

'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
information about AI abilities/personality (generally map directly to UTBot properties)
information about AI abilities/personality (generally map directly to UTBot properties)
; [[float]] Tactics : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[float]] Tactics : <!-- enter variable description -->
Line 790: Line 443:

==Static functions==
'''[[Structs#Modifiers|Modifiers]]:''' native
Structure defining information about a particular faction (eg. Ironguard)
; [[string]] Faction : <!-- enter variable description -->
; [[string]] PreviewImageMarkup : Preview image markup for the faction.
; [[string]] FriendlyName : Localized version of the faction name to display in the UI.
; [[string]] Description : Description of the faction.
===Static native functions===
{{code|static native final function {{tl|CharacterInfo}}&nbsp;'''FindCharacter''' ([[string]]&nbsp;'''InFaction''', [[string]]&nbsp;'''InCharID''')}}
Given a faction and character ID, find the character that defines all its parts.
{{code|static native final function [[class]]<{{cl|UTFamilyInfo}}>&nbsp;'''FindFamilyInfo''' ([[string]]&nbsp;'''InFamilyID''')}}
{{code|static final function [[class]]<{{cl|UTFamilyInfo}}>&nbsp;'''FindFamilyInfo''' ([[string]]&nbsp;'''InFamilyID''')}}

Find the info class for a particular family
Find the info class for a particular family

{{code|static native final function {{cl|UTCharFamilyAssetStore}}&nbsp;'''LoadFamilyAssets''' ([[string]]&nbsp;'''InFamilyID''', [[bool]]&nbsp;'''bBlocking''', [[bool]]&nbsp;'''bArms''')}}
This loads all assets associated with a custom character family (based on ini file) and create a
UTCharFamilyAssetStore which is used to keep refs to all the required assets.
* ''bBlocking'' - If true, game will block until all assets are loaded.
* ''bArms'' - Load package containing arm mesh for this family
===Other static functions===
{{code|static final function [[string]]&nbsp;'''GetRandomCharClassName''' ()}}
{{code|static final function [[string]]&nbsp;'''GetRandomCharClassName''' ()}}

Return a random family from the list of all families
Return a random family from the list of all families

Latest revision as of 06:52, 17 January 2010

UDK Object >> UTCharInfo

This object is used as a store for all character profile information.


Property group 'UTCharInfo'


Type: array<CharacterInfo>

Modifiers: config

Aray of all complete character profiles, defined in UTCustomChar.ini file.

Default value, index 0:

Member Value
Member Value
Accuracy 0.4
FavoriteWeapon "UTGameContent.UTWeap_RocketLauncher_Content"
Jumpiness 0.25
StrafingAbility 1.0
Tactics 1.0
CharID "A"
CharName "Matrix"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Matrix_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"

Default value, index 1:

Member Value
CharID "C"
CharName "Aspect"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Aspect_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head02>"

Default value, index 2:

Member Value
CharID "B"
CharName "Cathode"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Cathode_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head01>"

Default value, index 3:

Member Value
CharID "D"
CharName "Enigma"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Enigma_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head03>"

Default value, index 4:

Member Value
CharID "F"
CharName "Collossus"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Collossus_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head02>"

Default value, index 5:

Member Value
Member Value
Aggressiveness 0.5
FavoriteWeapon "UTGame.UTWeap_LinkGun"
CharID "I"
CharName "Entropy"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Entropy_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head01>"

Default value, index 6:

Member Value
CharID "H"
CharName "Monarch"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Monarch_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"

Default value, index 7:

Member Value
CharID "K"
CharName "OSC"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.OSC_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head03>"

Default value, index 8:

Member Value
CharID "J"
CharName "Evolution"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Evolution_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head02>"

Default value, index 9:

Member Value
CharID "G"
CharName "Mihr"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Mihr_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head03>"

Default value, index 10:

Member Value
Member Value
Aggressiveness 0.7
FavoriteWeapon "UTGameContent.UTWeap_Shockrifle"
CharID "E"
CharName "Raptor"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Raptor_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head01>"

Default value, index 11:

Member Value
CharID "L"
CharName "Syntax"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Syntax_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"

Default value, index 12:

Member Value
CharID "M"
CharName "Torque"
Description "<Strings:UTGameUI.CharLocData.Torque_Description>"
Faction "Liandri"
FamilyID "LIAM"
PreviewImageMarkup "<Images:UI_Portrait.Character.UI_Portrait_Character_Liandri_Male_Head04>"


Type: array<class<UTFamilyInfo> >

Array of info for each family (eg IRNM)

Default value: Class'UTGame.UTFamilyInfo_Liandri_Male'


Type: float

Modifiers: config

Default value: 0.4


Type: float

Modifiers: config

Default value: 0.2


Type: float

Modifiers: config

Default value: 0.075



Structure defining a pre-made character in the game.

string CharID
Short unique string .
string FamilyID
This defines which 'set' of parts we are drawing from.
string CharName
Friendly name for character.
string Description
Localized description of the character.
string PreviewImageMarkup
Preview image markup for the character.
string Faction
Faction to which this character belongs (e.g. IronGuard).
CustomAIData AIData
AI personality


information about AI abilities/personality (generally map directly to UTBot properties)

float Tactics
float StrafingAbility
float Accuracy
float Aggressiveness
float CombatStyle
float Jumpiness
float ReactionTime
string FavoriteWeapon
full path to class of bot's favorite weapon

Default values:

Property Value
Aggressiveness 0.4
CombatStyle 0.2

Static functions


static final function class<UTFamilyInfoFindFamilyInfo (string InFamilyID)

Find the info class for a particular family


static final function string GetRandomCharClassName ()

Return a random family from the list of all families