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T3D Staticmeshes files are generated with the UCC command in order to export all StaticMeshes data from package or level.
T3D Staticmeshes files are generated with the UCC command in order to export all StaticMeshes data from package or level.
It created one .t3d file for each unique staticmesh found in the package.
It creates one .t3d file for each unique staticmesh found in the package.
They are exported using this command:
They are exported using this command:
ucc batchexport myPackage T3D StaticMesh
ucc batchexport myPackage T3D StaticMesh

Revision as of 02:59, 15 October 2009

T3D Staticmeshes files are generated with the UCC command in order to export all StaticMeshes data from package or level. It creates one .t3d file for each unique staticmesh found in the package. They are exported using this command: ucc batchexport myPackage T3D StaticMesh

Sample File: (some basic triangle) Triangle in Unreal Editor:

<uscript> Begin StaticMesh Name=TriOriginal

   Version=2.000000 BoundingBox.Min.X=-128.000000 BoundingBox.Min.Y=-128.000000 BoundingBox.Min.Z=0.000000 BoundingBox.Max.X=128.000000 BoundingBox.Max.Y=128.000000 BoundingBox.Max.Z=0.000000
   Begin Triangle
       Texture SMTest.Tex.256x256 //Texture applied to the triangle
       SmoothingMask 0 //Unknown effect
       Vertex 0 128.000000 128.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 //Vertex Coordinates (x,y,z)+ Texture U,V data
       Vertex 1 -128.000000 -128.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000
       Vertex 2 -128.000000 128.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
   End Triangle

End StaticMesh </uscript>

The vertices are ordered differently from the last one to the first one if we compare with T3D brush.

T3D Brush Drawing:

T3D StaticMesh Drawing: