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Revision as of 08:24, 5 April 2008
This page is a place to put your code if you've asked someone to help troubleshoot problems with your code, or want to show someone how to do something in UnrealScript.
The Unreal Wiki is an excellent tool for such an application because it allows whoever is helping you to then edit your code immediately, thus saving time (trying to explain exactly where you should put that variable assignment) when explaining how to do something, or why something isn't working properly. In addition, the original code is not modified, and code is easily cut-n-pasted in and out.
- Mychaeel: Plus, it has nice syntax highlighting. ;-)
Feel free to delete any UnrealScript code on this page, and replace it with your own. To do that, click here and put your code between the
tags below the line. You can assume that code that hasn't been changed within the last 24 hours can be removed from this page, it's a scratch pad after all. Don't worry deleted code being lost – it still remains visible in this page's older revisions for quite a while.
Clean up after you're done, don't create any subpages of this page and please avoid removing the text above this line.
* UTMutator_Envy
* Copyright 2007 Robin 'Jrubzjeknf' van Olst <rrvanolst@hotmail.com>
* Fixes:
* - Reversed ':' and ';'.
* - No italic fonts option.
* - Flashing UI for low health/ammo.
* - Making the 6 looks proper.
* - Ragdolled players should pick up items when they stand up again.
* - Fix custom characters not showing online (1/3 by default?).
* x No arrows in CTF option. => Patch 2.
* Features:
* + PipedSwitchWeapon().
* - Conditional binds: eval (bCarryFlag ? x : y).
* - taunts (show own picture & play own taunts).
* - teamsay status (teamsay I've got %h and %s).
* - Interruptable announcer.
* - Team-colored death messages (CustomUT?)
* - Seperate death messages from chat, or chat stays up longer, or both.
* - EMP'd vehicle indicator.
* - Classic Announcer
* x lastweapon() -> SwitchToPreviousWeapon()
* x Join button for spectators. -> Patch 2.
* Optional:
* - Death cues loudness, music ambient?/pumped (per song? per gametype?).
* - Settings for graphical changes (bloom 'n stuff). (UWindows2?)
* - Play tow sound for towing vehicle driver (+orb? +flag? number? make it work with simple xhairs).
* - Something with disabling weapon bob/landing viewshake.