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Here is a list of cheat console commands available within all Unreal Engine based games. Not all of them have been tested across all games as yet. Some of these commands are useful for testing maps. See also Debugging Techniques.

These cheats are always activated in practise matches. For network games you need to be logged in as admin, but in UT2003 network games they aren't available at all. In the UT singleplayer ladder you will have to enable them first with the IAmTheOne command.

Dark Pulse: Only in UT versions 420 and under. 425 and up no longer need IAmTheOne to enable cheats.

(Not in Unreal 1) Enables you to breathe underwater for a very very very long time. (About 17 minutes.)
Gives you all the ammo (999) for your current weapons.
CAUSEEVENT <event name>
This console command sends the event specified to all Actors on a level via the Trigger() function.
Fly around (instead of walking). Also note that you are also invulnerable to attacks in UT (not UT2003). Great for Level Screenshots. See WALK. As of UT2003 the space bar can no longer be used to increase your height.
Fly around and go through walls (see WALK). In ghost mode you will not be able to touch (pickup) any objects.
Makes you invincible. The conditions that you can get killed when in god mode are: telefrag, mover kills, typing in walk while in ghost mode in solid space, etc. The Killz in UT2003 onwards also causes death while in God mode. Useful for killing cheating players if they fall a long way.
Makes you completely invisible. This will not work in a networked game.
(Not Unreal 1) Gives you all the weapons and full ammo (default Max Ammo amounts) for them. As of UT2004, superweapons are only given a single shot, not 999 ammo as with the other weapons.
SETJUMPZ <height>
This allows you to set the height to which you will jump.
SETSPEED <speed>
This allows you to set the speed at which you move.
SLOMO <Decimal percent (1.00 is 100%)>
This allows you to set the speed at which the level plays. Fun to play at 0.01
SUMMON <package>.<class>
This command allows you to summon objects into the level. The package and class names specified with the command are not case sensitive as of UT2004. Not all objects are "summonable". If an object fails to appear, check your game log file for error messages. Try summoning a 'warheadlauncher' or a 'pammo'
KILLALL <package name>.<class name>
Kills all actors of a certain class, for example killall Botpack.WarheadLauncher.
Kills all pawns. This includes bots, monsters, assault objectives, etc.
Returns you to normal walking mode after flying or ghosting around a level. It's a good idea to make sure you are slightly above the ground with plenty of space around you before re-entering walk mode.
Pauses all non-player actors in the game. Cool for debugging scripts, taking screenshots.
VIEWCLASS <class name>
Cycle through actors of this class, on your team in teamgames, viewing from their locaton (for example, viewclass bot). Note that this command will only allow a view from an Actor that is a player or a spectator. It may also work on network games as not a cheat.
CHEATVIEW <class name>
Cycle through actors of this class, on the enemy team in teamgames, viewing from their location (for example, viewclass bot). Note that this command will only allow a view from an Actor that is a player or a spectator.
Switch UT into windowed mode first, then replace <class> with 'zone' to edit the zone your player is in, 'weapon' to edit the weapon you are holding, and 'pawn' to edit your current player. Be careful as you can really screw up things if you're not.
Same as EDITACTOR, but edits the default properties for all actors of the class type. (Works in UT2003/2004; confirm for UT?)

Foxpaw: Editactor and Editdefault are listed under Debugging Console Commands. Should they be here also?

DemonThing: They could be used for cheating too. Consider "EDITACTOR CLASS=xPawn". You could change your health to 10000 :p Then again, SET could also be used.

amitakartok: GOD doesn't grant complete invincibility. For example, the Vortex Generator superweapon from the ChaosUT mod works by sucking in players at a radius of 10 meters and killing them. I tested, and the vortex pulled me with FLY on, and after several quick swings around it, I touched the center and was gibbed. When I wasn't in range, something slowly dragged me down to the ground after one activation, so I think the weapon works by forcibly creating a GravityZone with a KillZone in the middle. This would imply that KillZones can override GOD, however many maps incorporate the danger of falling off but not dying with GOD, like Morpheus.