From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
RMusicPlayer is new version of RvMp3Player. The code has been completly rewritten, this time using FMODEX. Features:
- Mod support (you can subclass RMusic_Player to define new music directory)
- Save support in SP games
- Supports many audio files (flac, mp2, mp3, ogg, wma, wav)
- Crossfades/fades in/fades out music
Current bugs (will be fixed):
- DSP plugins - everything loads fine, but I can't hear difference :)
- You can't have more then one DSP plugin
- Additional codecs doesn't work
Class tree
+- Actor_(UT) +- RMusic_Component - holds everything toghether and implements some basic functions +- RMusic_Controller - controls RMusic_Player +- RMusic_Player - plays music. This class is spawned either by RMusic_Controller or game type/console. +- RMusic_Save - spawned by RMusic_Controller. Stores information about last used RMusic_Controller
- v 0.1.3
- added information about current volume to the menu.
- removed unused configuration from advanced options->audio
- v 0.1.2
- RMusic_Controller spawns RMusic_Save at startup
- RMusic_SingleGameInfo2 detects save and stops/plays correct music
- v 0.1.1
- fixed Trigger function in RMusic_Controller
- in RMusic_Player function RMusic_Play stops music (if something is playing), before playing new one
- v 0.1.0
- added new RMusic_Controller actions (AC_Pause and AC_UnPause)
- DSP manager moved form RMusic_Controller into RMusic_DSPController
- new samples in SDK (integration with gametype and playerpawn)
- v 0.0.3
- fixed fade in/out/corssfade bug
- fixed crashes on dedicated server
- added DSP related functions into RMusic_Player
- v 0.0.2 (first public release)
- fixed few RMusic_Player bugs
As always source code is included in zip file.
link: RMusicPlayer (~603kb)