UE3:UT MDB ObjectList (UT3)

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I dont really know why I needed this class to be honest, its certainly a hybrid list of sorts but there is plenty of redundant function calls going on. It does keep the array private and encapsulated but overall I think there is a better method.


UT3 Object >> UT_MDB_ObjectList (custom)


<uscript> //=================================================== // Class: UT_MDB_ObjectList // Creation date: 24/08/2009 23:16 // Last updated: 02/09/2009 00:34 // Contributors: 00zX //--------------------------------------------------- //Hybrid List - Contains a List of Objects //This combines an array and linked list of objects, //using a hook through an array of structs to find // //TODO: FIXME: No need for struct, just use array of Objects //--------------------------------------------------- // Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode //=================================================== class UT_MDB_ObjectList extends UT_MDB implements(iObjectList); // abstract;

/*struct ObjList{ var object Obj; //NextObj will always be Objs[i+1] }; var protected array<ObjList> Objs;*/

var protected array<object> Objs;

/*struct CLObjList{ var class<object> ClassLimitor; var array<ObjList> Objs; }; var protected CLObjList ClassLimitedList;*/

var object owner;

var bool bAllowDuplicates; //var bool bCallInitForSubObj; //Will only work for objects of type GameRules

function init(){`logd(class.name$": Initalized!",,'ObjList');}

final function int Length(){return self.Objs.Length;}

function reset(){Objs.remove(0, self.Objs.Length);}

function Clear(){Objs.remove(0, self.Objs.Length);}

function bool isEmpty(){return (self.Objs.Length == 0) ? true : false;}

final function object Find(name ObjName) { local object tObj;

foreach self.Objs(tObj) if(tObj.name == ObjName) return tObj;

return none; }

final function bool Contains(object tObj) { local int idx; // idx = self.Objs.Find('Obj', tObj); idx = self.Objs.Find(tObj); return (idx != INDEX_NONE) ? true : false; }

final function int IndexOf(object tObj) { local int idx; // idx = self.Objs.Find('Obj', tObj); idx = self.Objs.Find(tObj); return idx; }

final function int NextIndex(object tObj) { local int idx; idx=0; idx = IndexOf(tObj); return (idx != INDEX_NONE && self.Objs.Length < idx+1) ? INDEX_NONE : idx+1; }

final function int PrevIndex(object tObj) { local int idx; idx=0; idx = IndexOf(tObj); return (idx != INDEX_NONE && self.Objs.Length < idx-1) ? INDEX_NONE : idx-1; }

//Allows object list to only contain classes of type (classLimitor) final function limitclass(class<object> classLimitor) { local object tObj;

foreach self.Objs(tObj) if(tObj.class != classLimitor) self.Objs.removeitem(tObj); // self.Objs.remove(tObj); }

//old array.add is via name? final function Add(object Obj) { // local object tObj; // local ObjList OList;

// OList.Obj=tObj; // tObj=Obj; // if(Objs.length >= 1) // Objs[Objs.length-1].NextObj = testObj; self.Objs.AddItem(Obj); }

final function Remove(object Obj) { if(IndexOf(Obj) != INDEX_NONE) self.Objs.Remove(IndexOf(Obj), 1); }

final function RemoveAt(int idx) { //if(self.Objs[idx].Obj != none) if(self.Objs[idx] != none) self.Objs.Remove(idx,1); }

final private function bool hasRange(int idx, int count) { return (!isEmpty() && self.Objs.length >= idx+count) ? true : false; }

final function RemoveRange(int idx, int count) { // if(self.Objs[idx].Obj != none && self.hasRange(idx,count)) if(self.Objs[idx] != none && self.hasRange(idx,count)) self.Objs.Remove(idx,count); }

//Getters final function object GetObj(int idx) { // return (self.Objs[idx].Obj != none) ? self.Objs[idx].Obj : none; return (self.Objs[idx] != none) ? self.Objs[idx] : none; }

/*function Object getObject(string key) { local int idx; idx = Objs.Find('key', key); return (idx > INDEX_NONE) ? self.Objs[idx].value : none; }*/

final private function bool hasNext(object tObj) { return (NextIndex(tObj) != INDEX_NONE && self.Objs.Length > 1) ? true : false; }

final private function bool hasPrev(object tObj) { return (PrevIndex(tObj) != INDEX_NONE) ? true : false; }

final function object GetNext(object tObj) { // `logd("InputObject: "$tObj$"["$IndexOf(tObj)$"] NextObject: "$self.Objs[NextIndex(tObj)].Obj$"["$NextIndex(tObj)$"]",,'ObjList'); return (self.hasNext(tObj)) ? self.Objs[NextIndex(tObj)] : none; //return (self.hasNext(tObj)) ? self.Objs[NextIndex(tObj)].Obj : none; }

final function object GetPrev(object tObj) { return (self.hasPrev(tObj)) ? self.Objs[PrevIndex(tObj)] : none; // return (self.hasPrev(tObj)) ? self.Objs[PrevIndex(tObj)].Obj : none; }

final function object GetFirst() { return self.Objs[0]; // return self.Objs[0].Obj; }

final function object GetLast() { return self.Objs[self.Objs.length]; // return self.Objs[self.Objs.length].Obj; }

/*final function class<object> GetType(object testObj) { return (IndexOf(testObj) != INDEX_NONE) ? Objs[IndexOf(testObj)].Obj.super.class : none; }*/

/** these accessors allow classes to implement an interface to setting certain property values without creating a dependancy

* on that class, similarly to how IsA() allows checking for a class without creating a dependancy on it

//function string GetSpecialValue(name PropertyName); //function SetSpecialValue(name PropertyName, string NewValue);

function SetPropForAllObj(name PropertyName, string NewValue) { local object tObj; //local int idx;

//idx=0; foreach self.Objs(tObj) { //idx++; tObj.SetSpecialValue(PropertyName, NewValue); //if(UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).GD != none) // `logd(class.name$": ObjListItem"$idx$": "$UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).GD,,'ObjectList'); } }

function DumpLogForAllObj(name OListName) { local object tObj; local int idx;

idx=0; foreach self.Objs(tObj) { idx++; `logd(OListName$": ListItem["$idx$"]: "$PathName(tObj),,'ObjList'); } }

//TODO: Make Generic version of this function using 'Owner' as a variable //all objects contained in this list will contain an 'Owner' variable /*function SetSpecialForGameData(UT_MDB_GameDex GD) { local object tObj; local int idx;

idx=0; foreach self.Objs(tObj) { idx++; //if(UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj) != none) if(tObj.IsA('UT_MDB_GameRules')) { UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).GD=GD; `logd("ListItem["$idx$"]: GameData: "$PathName(UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).GD),,'ObjList'); } } }*/

function SetSpecialGR() { local object tObj;

foreach self.Objs(tObj) UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).SetNextGR(); }

function SetMasterGR(UT_GR_Info mGR) { local object tObj;

foreach self.Objs(tObj) UT_MDB_GameRules(tObj).MasterGR=mGR; }

public function string getValue(int idx) { return (self.Objs[idx] != none) ? self.Objs[idx].GetSpecialValue('Value') : "none"; }

public function string getType(int idx) { return (self.Objs[idx] != none) ? self.Objs[idx].GetSpecialValue('DT') : "none"; } </uscript>