Legacy:Actor (UT)/Filter
The Filter properties of an actor determine the conditions under which the actor will be present in gameplay.
bDifficulty0, bDifficulty1, bDifficulty2, and bDifficulty3
In SinglePlayer, there are four difficulty levels that can be applied. In Unreal, they are called Easy, Medium, Hard, and Unreal. The default difficulty level is Medium. The contents of these variables is used to determine which difficulty levels the actor should be present or absent in.
If True, then this actor will appear in regular network play. (dedicated or listen server)
If True, then this actor will appear in special network play mode. (client, in whatever way this is going to work – this is checked in GameInfo which usually doesn't exist on clients)
If True, then this actor will appear in standalone gametypes. (any offline mode)
In a game where this actor would normally exist, this value (between 0 and 1.0) determines the probability of the actor actually appearing. For most actors, this value is equal to 1, which means that the actor will always exist in relevant games.