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UT :: Actor (UT) >> Info (UT) >> GameInfo (UT) >> TournamentGameInfo >> DeathMatchPlus >> TeamGamePlus >> Domination (Package: BotPack)

Domination is a standard Unreal Tournament game type.

Three or four control points are scattered in a map; a team gains control over a control point by one of its team members touching it. Each team scores continuously according to the number of control points held. The first team to hit the score limit wins.


bool bNeutralPoints
bool bDumbDown (config)
Reduce efficiency of bot team AI.
ControlPoint ControlPoints[16]
Control point list used for AI. Maps could have more than 16 control points, but bots will only know the first 16 of them.
int DomScoreEvent
Used to track when to dump out periodic stat information.


ClearControl (Pawn (UT) Other)

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