UE3:UIPrefab (UT3)

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UT3 Object >> UIRoot >> UIScreenObject >> UIObject >> UIPrefab
This class in other games:

This widget class is a container for widget archetypes.

Copyright 1998-2007 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Known issues: - copy/paste operations aren't propagated to UIPrefabInstances - [FIXED] changes to parent/child relationships aren't propagated to UIPrefabInstances, including adding/removing/reparenting - [FIXED] changes to custom input events (UUIEvent_MetaObject - WxDlgUIEvent_MetaObject) don't perform any change tracking/propagation - [FIXED] changes to PlayerInputMask don't seem to propagate correctly - need support for specifying "input alias => raw input key" mappings for widget archetypes (UIInputAliasStateMap/UIInputAliasClassMap/UIInputConfiguration) - reformatting doesn't occur for instanced UIList widgets or widgets which have UIComp_DrawString components (either when placing or updating). - modifying docking relationships using the docking editor doesn't propagate changes to instances. - most changes made through kismet editor (adding new seq. objects, removing objects, etc.) aren't propagated to instances at all



Type: int

Modifiers: private, const

Version number for this prefab when it was loaded from disk. Used to determine whether a modification to a widget contained in this prefab should increment the PrefabVersion (i.e. PrefabVersion should only be incremented if InternalPrefabVersion matches PrefabVersion).


Type: int

Modifiers: transient, const

Used to track the number of calls to Pre/PostEditChange for widgets contained within this UIPrefab. When PreEditChange or PostEditChange is called on a widget contained within a UIPrefab, rather than calling the UObject version, it is instead routed to the owning UIPrefab.

When UIPrefab receives a call to PreEditChange, the UIPrefab calls SavePrefabInstances if ModificationCounter is 0, then increments the counter. When UIPrefab receives a call to PostEditChange, it decrements the counter and calls LoadPrefabInstances once it reaches 0.


Type: Texture2D

Modifiers: editoronly, const

Snapshot of Prefab used for thumbnail in the browser.


Type: int

Modifiers: const

Version number for this prefab. Each time a UIPrefab is saved, the PrefabVersion is incremented. This number is used to detect when UIPrefabInstances based on this prefab need to be updated.



Class: Engine.UIComp_Event

Inherits from: UIObject.WidgetEventComponent

No new values.



Modifiers: native, transient

This struct is used for various purposes to track information about a widget instance and an associated archetype.

UIObject WidgetArchetype
Holds a reference to a widget archetype
UIObject WidgetInstance
Holds a reference to the widget instance; depending on where this struct is used, could be an instance of WidgetArchetype

or might be e.g. the widget instance used to create WidgetArchetype (when creating a completely new UIPrefab).

float ArchetypeBounds[4] (EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX)
Used to stores the RenderBounds of WidgetArchetype in cases where WidgetArchetype is not in the scene's children array.
float InstanceBounds[4] (EUIWidgetFace.UIFACE_MAX)
Used to stores the RenderBounds of WidgetInstance in cases where WidgetInstance is not in the scene's children array.