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// if spider mode, update rotation based on floor
function UpdateRotation(float DeltaTime, float maxPitch)
local vector X,Y,Z;
local rotator ViewRotation;
local vector MyFloor, CrossDir, FwdDir, OldFwdDir, OldX, RealFloor;
if ( bInterpolating || Pawn.bInterpolating )
TurnTarget = None;
bRotateToDesired = false;
bSetTurnRot = false;
if (PolarityPawn(Pawn).currentSurfaceNormal == -oldSurfaceNormal)
MyFloor = oldSurfaceNormal Cross X;
MyFloor = PolarityPawn(Pawn).currentSurfaceNormal;
if ( MyFloor != oldSurfaceNormal )
// smoothly change floor
RealFloor = MyFloor;
MyFloor = Normal(6*DeltaTime * MyFloor + (1 - 6*DeltaTime) * oldSurfaceNormal);
if ( (RealFloor Dot MyFloor) > 0.9999 )
MyFloor = RealFloor;
// translate view direction
CrossDir = Normal(RealFloor Cross oldSurfaceNormal);
FwdDir = CrossDir Cross MyFloor;
OldFwdDir = CrossDir Cross oldSurfaceNormal;
X = MyFloor * (oldSurfaceNormal Dot X)
+ CrossDir * (CrossDir Dot X)
+ FwdDir * (OldFwdDir Dot X);
X = Normal(X);
Z = MyFloor * (oldSurfaceNormal Dot Z)
+ CrossDir * (CrossDir Dot Z)
+ FwdDir * (OldFwdDir Dot Z);
Z = Normal(Z);
oldSurfaceNormal = MyFloor;
Y = Normal(MyFloor Cross X);
if ( (aTurn != 0) || (aLookUp != 0) )
// adjust Yaw based on aTurn
if ( aTurn != 0 )
X = Normal(X + 3 * Y * Sin(0.0005*DeltaTime*aTurn));
// adjust Pitch based on aLookUp
if ( aLookUp != 0 )
OldX = X;
X = Normal(X + 3 * Z * Sin(0.0005*DeltaTime*aLookUp));
Z = Normal(X Cross Y);
// bound max pitch
if ( (Z Dot MyFloor) < 0.25 /* was 0.707 */ )
ClientMessage("OldX: " $ OldX);
OldX = 0.252*Normal(OldX - MyFloor * (MyFloor Dot OldX));
// WAS: OldX = Normal(OldX - MyFloor * (MyFloor Dot OldX));
ClientMessage("New OldX: " $ OldX);
if ( (X Dot MyFloor) > 0)
X = Normal(OldX + MyFloor);
X = Normal(OldX - MyFloor);
ClientMessage("FinalX: " $ X);
Z = Normal(X Cross Y);
// calculate new Y axis
Y = Normal(MyFloor Cross X);
ViewRotation = OrthoRotation(X,Y,Z);
Pawn.FaceRotation(ViewRotation, deltaTime );