From Unreal Wiki, The Unreal Engine Documentation Site
(also see Actor (UT)/Movement)
- EPhysics Physics (const)
- Actor's current physics mode. (see PhysicsType) Use SetPhysics method to change.
- bool bIgnoreEncroachers
- Ignore collisions with movers.
- vector Location (const)
- a vector giving the position of the actor in the world. Remember when setting this that the engine uses a left-handed coordinate system (see Wikipedia:Handedness for definition & pictures). Use Move or SetLocation methods to change.
- rotator Rotation (const)
- Actor's rotation. Use SetRotation or SetRelativeRotation methods to change. In UnrealEd, set Advanced -> bDirectional to make the actor display an arrow that represents this value.
- vector Velocity
- Actor's velocity.
- name AttachTag
- The Mover, or KActor to attach this actor to. AttachTag is the Tag of the mover. This replaces the Attach Mover in UT.
- bool bHardAttach (const)
- Uses 'hard' attachment code. bBlockActor and bBlockPlayer must also be false. This actor cannot then move relative to base (SetLocation etc.). Dont set while currently based on something!
- bool bBounce
- Bounces when hits ground fast.
- bool bFixedRotationDir
- Fixed direction of rotation.
- bool bRotateToDesired
- Rotate to DesiredRotation.
- float Mass
- Mass of this actor.
- float Buoyancy
- Water buoyancy.
- rotator RotationRate
- Change in rotation per second.
- rotator DesiredRotation
- Physics will smoothly rotate actor to this rotation if bRotateToDesired.