UE2:ActionMessage_SubTitle (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> Actor >> Info >> LocalMessage >> CriticalEventPlus >> ActionMessage >> ActionMessage_SubTitle
This class in other games:

Class: GamePlay.ActionMessage_SubTitle Parent: GamePlay.ActionMessage

<Enter a description here>



Type: float

Array size: 32

Modifiers: localized

Default value, index 0: 4.0

Default value, index 10: 8.0

Default value, index 11: 8.0

Default value, index 12: 8.0

Default value, index 13: 8.0

Default value, index 14: 8.0

Default value, index 15: 8.0

Default value, index 16: 8.0

Default value, index 17: 8.0

Default value, index 18: 8.0

Default value, index 19: 8.0

Default value, index 20: 4.0

Default value, index 21: 8.0

Default value, index 22: 8.0

Default value, index 23: 8.0

Default value, index 24: 8.0

Default value, index 25: 8.0

Default value, index 26: 8.0

Default value, index 27: 8.0

Default value, index 28: 8.0

Default value, index 29: 8.0

Default value, index 30: 8.0

Default values

Property Value
Messages[0] "How do I look?"
Messages[10] "AAGGGHHHHRRRR"
Messages[11] "You d'man Gorge! You rock! Yeah baby, com'on, now, you d'man dude!"
Messages[13] "Oh, man, did you see that?"
Messages[14] "I tell you Jim, that Gorge, he just has no respect for his fans."
Messages[15] "Well, I think he is still pissed about that new scar on his face, courtesy of Malcolm in their last match."
Messages[16] "Yea, I think he is looking for a little PAYBACK."
Messages[17] "Yep, it should be a good one tonight."
Messages[18] "Since Malcolm's team are the reigning champs, they get to choose tonight's arena."
Messages[19] "Looks like it's gonna be... Kalendra Icefields."
Messages[1] "Not as good as me baby..."
Messages[20] "Awww Yeah, I love this arena, Malcolm does really well here."
Messages[21] "Tonight's match oughta be a real blood-bath."
Messages[2] "Well fans here we are for another edition of the bloodiest sport in the Galaxy. A tournament where the winners become gods and the losers pay the ultimate price!"
Messages[3] "THERE THEY ARE! Once they were rivals, but now they're one of the fiercest teams around."
Messages[4] "That's right. Nothing beats experience and each one of these three brings loads of it to the table."
Messages[5] "Look at Malcolm! Now there's a guy who can really keep his cool in a fire-fight."
Messages[6] "That Brock. He's as dangerous to the ladies OUT-side the ring as he is to his foes IN-side!"
Messages[7] "I love watching Lauren. She's such a little....bundle of energy."
Messages[8] "Yeah right.....you like watching Lauren for her energy."
Messages[9] "This time he's MINE!!"

Static functions


static function float GetLifeTime (int Switch)

Overrides: LocalMessage.GetLifeTime