UE2:AmmoLeechGun (U2XMP)

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U2XMP Object >> Actor >> Pickup >> Ammo >> U2AmmoPickup >> AmmoLeechGun

ammoLeechGun.uc -- ammo for the LeechGun $Author: Sbrown $ $Date: 9/30/02 19:29 $ $Revision: 7 $

Default values

Property Value
AmmoAmount 30
CollisionHeight 9.0
CollisionRadius 22.0
InventoryType Class'U2Weapons.ammoInvLeechGun'
PickupMessage "You picked up a Spider pod."
PickupSound Sound'U2WeaponsA.LeechGun.LG_PickupAmmo'
StaticMesh StaticMesh'343M.Pickups.ammo_LG'