UE2:LegendUtil (U2XMP)
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Object >> LegendObjectComponent >> LegendUtil |
- Package:
- Legend
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Util.uc $Author: Mfox $ $Date: 8/05/02 12:29p $ $Revision: 2 $
Static functions
static function DrawLine (Actor Owner, Object.Vector Start, Object.Vector End, optional Texture SkinToUse)
static function DrawLine3D (Actor Helper, Object.Vector Start, Object.Vector End, optional float FadeDuration, optional float DotInterval, optional Texture DotTexture, optional float DelayTime)
static function DrawQuickLine (Actor Helper, optional Object.Vector Start, optional Object.Vector End, optional Actor StartActor, optional Actor EndActor, optional float SpriteInterval, optional float SpriteSize, optional Texture SpriteTexture, optional float Duration)
static function DrawViewLine (Pawn P)
static simulated function Fade (Actor Other, optional float FadeTime, optional bool bNoDeleteActor, optional float InitialScaleGlow, optional float FinalScaleGlow, optional float DelayTime, optional int NumFlickers)
static function Actor VisibleTrace (Actor TraceFromActor, out Object.Vector HitLocation, out Object.Vector HitNormal, Object.Vector TraceEnd, optional Object.Vector TraceStart, optional bool bTraceActors, optional Object.Vector Extent)