An example of a simple Localizedmessage, @@CTFHUDMessage@@.
<uscript> class CTFHUDMessage extends LocalMessage;
// CTF Messages // // Switch 0: You have the flag message. // // Switch 1: Enemy has the flag message.
var(Message) localized string YouHaveFlagString; var(Message) localized string EnemyHasFlagString; var(Message) color RedColor, YellowColor;
static function color GetColor( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2 ) { if (Switch == 0) return Default.YellowColor; else return Default.RedColor; }
static function string GetString( optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject ) { if (Switch == 0) return Default.YouHaveFlagString;
return Default.EnemyHasFlagString; }
defaultproperties {
YouHaveFlagString="You have the flag, return to base!" EnemyHasFlagString="The enemy has your flag, recover it!" RedColor=(R=255,A=255) YellowColor=(G=255,R=255,A=255) bIsPartiallyUnique=True bIsConsoleMessage=False bFadeMessage=True Lifetime=1 DrawColor=(G=160,R=0) StackMode=SM_Down PosY=0.100000 FontSize=1