UE2:XUserGroupPrivs (UT2004)

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UT2004 Object >> xPrivilegeBase >> XUserGroupPrivs
This class in other games:

Class: XAdmin.xUserGroupPrivs Parent: Engine.xPrivilegeBase

<Enter a description here>

Default values

Property Value
LoadMsg "Admins & Groups Management Loaded"
MainPrivs G"
SubPrivs Aa|Ae|Ag|Am|Gl|Ga|Ge"
Tags[0] "Users"
Tags[1] "List Admins"
Tags[2] "Add/Remove Admins"
Tags[3] "Edit Admins"
Tags[4] "Assign Groups"
Tags[5] "Make Managers"
Tags[6] "Groups"
Tags[7] "List Groups"
Tags[8] "Add/Remove Groups"
Tags[9] "Edit Groups"